Maybe I do love you

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Hehe heya!!! Ok so here is the newest installment.

As I was setting up the camp I knew I couldn't do this by myself, I sucked. I heard foot steps behind me and instantly knew they were Sasuke's.

"I don't need your help its ok I got it."

He chuckled in response. "We went camping when we were 8 and even then you needed my help."

"Ehh yeah but I got better... I'm pretty sure..." I said obviously struggling trying to attach the plastic sticks together. Why is this so embarrassingly difficult? I am literally a ninja. Sasuke stepped in and took the tent pieces away from me. 

"Here let me take that from you. Why don't you get changed or something?" I took the offer in desperate of a bath. Luckily there was a waterfall nearby so I was able to what I had to do over there. 

~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~


Sasuke finished building the tent better than I could have, I must admit. He seemed pretty tired as he rested in his sleeping bag, arms folded behind his head. I took a seat near him to set up my sleeping bag and felt his gaze behind me. I turned around to catch him in deep thought, almost as if he had zoned out. Carefully reaching my hand towards his face I snapped my fingers which caused him to blink instantaneously. His eyes averted to my fingers and at me as he came back to reality.  I smiled,

"Good night, Sasuke." I lied down, with my back facing him and closed my eyes. I could still feel his eyes on me though. 

"Mayuri-san." He mumbled. 

"Yes, Sasuke?" I asked with one eye open. 

"Where do you think Itachi is?" I clenched my jaw hearing that name, both eyes opened. Sasuke and I never spoke about him ever since the incident. It was uncomfortable to even hear or say his name. 

"Wherever he is... he is not worth our time." I answered sternly.

"Hn. I'm going to kill him, it'll be worth it all after I kill him. Do you not feel angry that we grew up alongside such a horrific monster? Do you not feel the same urge to get revenge? Don't you feel the that itch crawl underneath your skin when you think about how our childhood is only filled with memories of a serial killer?" 

His words were ice cold, and his tone sent shivers down my spine. I turned around to face Sasuke who furrowed his eyebrows, and tightly gripped the sheets of his sleeping bag. 

"Uchiha, I remember it every time I see you. You're his brother. I can't let it consume me though. I support your ideas and feelings, but do you really think it will be that easy to find an ex-anbu black ops member who massacred the entire Uchiha clan single-handedly, who clearly had no remorse or emotions? The man was able to kill his own parents and just left."  Sasuke's eyes flashed and darkened while he remembered the most painful moments of his life. The anger built inside of him showed as his knuckles lost color from how tight he was gripping the sheets. 

"Exactly" He snapped. "Hn. Unlike you, I cannot just not let it consume me. You didn't lose your family like I did, you didn't know yours. You were able to come and go into the Uchiha compound, but that was my family. My own brother killed them. I have to let it consume me, or I will never get peace." 

I glared at him for bringing up the fact that I do not have a family. That was low, even for Sasuke to bring up about me. I turned my back to him, pulling my blanket closer to my chest and shut my eyes closed. 

"You're right, I never had a family. Have you ever thought that maybe during our whole childhood, after spending every day at the compound, the clan felt like the only family I had sometimes? Did it ever occur to you that you guys were all I ever had at some point? What did consuming yourself with Itachi even do for you so far? All it has done is make you cut yourself off from me out of the blue like I never existed. Now you want to come here and say I felt unaffected since I am not part of the clan? Get the fuck out of here with that shit, duck ass. This conversation is over." 

I was mad pissed at how he just brought this sensitive topic up out of his ass, and insult me in the process. This kid's ego has really gotten to him the last few years. 

"I'm sorry but my older brother who I looked up to since birth murdered the entire Uchiha bloodline and left me to suffer with the trauma alone. I had nothing left in the blink of an eye and I didn't even know how to face myself, let alone YOU. He took my every ability to feel anything, and the only other person who understood was you. But you think I'm just as psychotic as Itachi now!" Sasuke's voice was low but harsh.

"I couldn't help you, because you never let me in after that. You shut me out, how would I know how to help if you couldn't even look at me." Ironic I say that as I am clearly avoiding looking at him right now. I sighed, this mission trip has already been exhausting, neither of us need this bitter conversation tonight. Especially about wounds that never healed. 

"I don't think you are like Itachi. I don't think you are as monstrous. We didn't handle it the right way." I added faintly. I was slowly beginning to feel sleepier by the minute, and I was definitely too tired to be emotional. 

"When Itachi killed them, he killed me too. I didn't know how to feel upset like I once did, I only felt blood thirsty. I couldn't talk to any one because no one else felt it. I've thought about it so many times in academy, every time I saw you. I thought about every time we were at the compound as kids, and then right after I would see the image of my parents' bodies lifeless on the ground. How could I face someone who carried those images of my life?" Sasuke sounded a lot gentler now. He paused waiting for me to say something, but I was drifting off and I didn't know what to say to him. He continued, though my sleep was just about to take over. 

"I've avoided you because you brought back too many feelings and memories that would only make me angrier. Hell, the only thing that bastard didn't take away from me was you. And I didn't want to be angry towards the one person I care about so I thought it would be best for the both of us if I just cut the tie. I'm sorry." His voice faded and he let out a breath. 

My eyes opened. Did he really just apologize? Wait wait wait, he cares about me? I could barely process the explanation he just gave, but I had no idea he felt that way. If I had known that I was a constant reminder to Sasuke and he never felt like he could easily approach me and talk about his feelings this entire time then I would have never distanced myself the way I did. I just assumed he had gone crazy and truly wanted nothing to do with me and our friendship ever again. 

It was quiet. All I could hear was Sasuke's soft breathing behind me and the trees and bushes rustling outside in the background. I peered over at him only to find him completely knocked out and fast asleep. My heart was beating faster and I felt something in my stomach as I watched him sleep. I care about him too. Fuck, maybe I do love you.

I wasn't a good enough friend to Sasuke after that incident. I should have stuck by no matter what and tried harder to make him feel less alone. 

"No, Uchiha... I'm  sorry." After a moment of silence I closed my eyes once again and turned away to finally let myself fall asleep. 

It was weird though, right before my mind went off to dream I heard Sasuke mumble in his sleep,

"I love you too"

Hai I felt bad about my horrible delay on updating so I made two chapters. This is the second. Sorry again guys. Thanks for waiting though! Read, comment, Rate.

(Sasuke Love Story) MINE FOREVERМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя