Sand siblings

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******** So mayuri saw a vision. This chapter is about her pov mostly.  For a while you probably wont see any pov of team seven because of Chuunin exams... ENJOY :D


I opened my eyes and found myself in the tight grasp of Uchiha's arms. His steady heart beat kept me calm. His warm whispers in my ears soothed me. He always makes me safe. But even though I am safe. I feel a lot of danger to many I love.

"Sasuke" I whimpered. Even I was shocked my tone.

"Yes May?" he replied super concerned.  I was going to tell him about what I just saw. But he was involved in part of it. I could tell him the other part but, I have a feeling he would be worried too and wont concentrate on the exams. I can take care of this myself. I looked at Sasuke who was eagerly looking at me waiting for a reply.

"I-I'm fine. Just bad thoughts." I managed to choke out. He looked as if not buying it.

"Really? You sure your ok?"  I nodded, and went outside for a jog. Sasuke went back to bed after equipping me with all his weapons and my weapons and some protective gear. Over protective much?

~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 The sun rose a few hours later so I went back home. I was greeted by Sasuke placing some warm lactose milk and fresh cereal on the breakfast table. I remember when Kai made that lunch. Will I ever see him again?

"Hey, how was your walk?" He asked eyeing my protective gear. I told him it was great and sat down for my morning meal. He watched my gulp it down without saying word.

"So um Kakashi gave us some time and ways to train for the chuunin exams." Trying to break the silence. Me, being unladylike chugged down my food and nodded for him to continue.

"Yeah uh he said we could ask for help and train, go on missions to train, or just train by myself."

"ahh that's cool" I know that sounded careless but I am not feeling up to it today.

"Yeah so was thinking, I know you have to prepare for your mission but maybe you could give me a few tips or help me with my-" I cut him off with that rudely grabbing my jacket grabbing the door knob.

"I have to go. Sorry sasuke, kaka-sensei got your back" I said in a low voice.

With that I walked out to find the hokage.


It hurt me to see her walk out like that on me, but what hurts more is she doesn't know I love her and that if something on her mind is bothering her she can tell me. Hn. Whatever I will just go train..


I walked into the office and shoed away the guests he was talking to.

They looked a bit upset and I swore one of them glared at me. Lucky for them I am not in the mood for a fight. But they left anyways. Hokage apologized for the "intrusion" and turned back to me.

"Mayuri, you know more than well to interrupt me when I am with guests. They were the guards of the kazekage. We had much to discuss about his kids in the exams. You should meet them. One of them is very special like you and Naruto." Blah blah blah. This old man could go on forever. I didn't soak in a word he said. I just cut him off.

"You are in danger sarutobi-sama." That's gotta shut him up. He paused and looked at me with questioning eyes.

"Continue."  I explained what I saw. How I saw him getting hurt, fighting. Fighting that creep.

(Sasuke Love Story) MINE FOREVERDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora