
"Come on, let's go home" I begged.

"Stop being a buzz kill, you're so boring" he snorted.

"Please, I just want to go home. It's movie night" I pleaded.

"No one cares. Just stop being so fucking boring and get me another drink"


"Stop being a bitch" he shouted and slapped me.

"You deserve nothing" he spat before storming back into the bar.

I blinked letting the tears fall. The memories still haunted me, Jughead knew about it all and promised he would never be that way....yet I'm still terrified. I walked shakily towards him causing him to notice me.

"Come on Jug, let's go home" I repeated the words I always use to say to him. I was waiting for the insults, the slap, the spit.

"You're here" he whispered and pulled me into a tight hug. He...he didn't hurt me.

I returned the hug and held back from crying. We pulled away and he leaned in to kiss me.

"Ew no, you reek of alcohol" I argued. He groaned and pouted.

"Bettyyyyyy" he protested.

"I can tell you're still drunk Jug, you're literally stumbling. Let's go back to mine"

"Okayyyyyy" he gave in. I wrapped an arm around him and led him back to the car before getting in myself.

Once we got back to mine we both got out of the car and I went around to his side to help him but was met with a tight hug.

"Uhh Jug..you okay?" I asked.

"I loveeeee you" he spoke and buried his face in the crook of my neck.

"I love you too, but let's go inside and get some sleep okay?" I asked. He nodded so we walked through the door where my family were watching another film.

"Mum, I'm just gonna take Jug upstairs" I explained.

"Hold on. Since when do you think I'm allowing him up there" my mum protested.

"Trust me we won't be doing anything. He's drunk" I admitted before rushing upstairs with him to avoid a lecture from my dear mother.

"Bettyyyyyy, come to beddd" he whined as I was in my bathroom getting aspirin after going downstairs to get a glass of water. I put it by his bedside before going to find some pyjamas to wear.

As I was looking through the draws I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. I giggled and turned around to view the culprit.

"I ate two mints. I don't and I quote 'reek of alcohol' anymore" he explained.

"Seriously? Just for a kiss? Also, two mints won't completely get rid of the smell" I smirked.

"Come onnnnnn" he groaned. I laughed and pecked his lips, leaving him annoyed that it was all he got. After getting changed I quickly brushed my hair out before going to tell my family I was going to bed.

I walked back upstairs and as I entered my room I was picked up bridal style and taken towards the bed.

"Jug!" I giggled.

"You take..toooo long" he stumbled and placed me down on the bed. I sighed and got under the covers as did he, space between us.

"What about burger?" he asked, confusing me.

"For what?"

"Our kid. Burger Jones" he suggested making me burst into laughter.

A few minutes later he started asking whether penguins had knees.

"I don't know Juggie" I laughed. He tried to get closer but I pushed him away.
"I'm not cuddling when you're wasted. No matter how cute this is" I denied. He pouted in response but as soon as his head hit the pillow he was fast asleep. I giggled and sighed at the fact that my boyfriend was a romantic drunk.


I opened my eyes to be met with a peaceful looking Jughead. He's going to feel like shit today. I smiled softly and wrapped my finger around the curl that had fallen in front of his face.

"Mmhh" he stirred and opened his eyes slightly.

"Morning sleepyhead" I whispered happily.

"Fuck...my head hurts" he groaned, turning over so his face was in his pillow.

"That's what you get for drinking that much" I laughed.

"There's some aspirin on your bedside" I added causing him to turn over and take it with the glass of water.
"I'll go get us some breakfast. You could do with some food" I decided and pressed a kiss against his forehead. He nodded before closing his eyes again as I left the room.

Alice's POV

"Hey mum" Betty said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Morning honey, do you and Jughead want some pancakes?" I asked. She nodded so I started to make their's.

"Okay seriously, how come Betty is allowed boys round for the night but I'm not?!" Polly complained.

"1. Because Betty is sensible and 2. Yours are one night stands" I claimed.

"Added to the fact that I convinced your mother to be nicer to Jughead" Hal laughed. Betty hugged him and stuck her tongue out at Polly.

"Still not fair" Polly argued.

"He was drunk! What was I suppose to do?" Betty questioned. Polly replied by putting her middle finger up at her.

"Polly!" I shouted.

"Betty here you go, take these. We need to speak to your sister" I spoke sternly.

"Thanks mum" she smiled, picking up the two plates of pancakes.

Betty's POV

"Here you go Jug" I spoke passing him the pancakes.

"Thanks baby"

We ate in silence before placing our plates on our bedsides, he then pulled me closer and pecked my lips.

"I'm really sorry for getting drunk, I know what happened in your last relationship and I should've thought about it" he apologized.

"Jug, it's fine" I assured.

"No it's not. I promised you I wouldn't do that-"

"You didn't though, you didn't slap me or insult me or do anything remotely horrible. You were literally the opposite"

"It's just with everything going on right now, I wanted to forget" he admitted.

"Hey, that's okay. However, I'd rather get a call from you asking to come over rather than one where your drunk okay? We can talk all night if we have to" I promised as I cupped his cheek. He nodded and leant into my hand.

"Although you did ask some very insightful questions. Maybe our next blue and gold article should be 'do penguins have knees'?" I laughed. "Shut up" he groaned at my mocking.

"I love you" I whispered. "I love you too" he smiled and brought me into a passionate kiss.

Bughead OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now