I wanted to be with Vic but being with him made him the number 1 priority. I can't just drop my mom like that, I just can't. I sucked it all up and stood up, heading to the kitchen.

I went down and got the pack of cookies and frosting we had. I took one of the coconut cookies and dunked them in frosting before eating them. I had developed this habit the first time Vic left, it helped some.

I didn't know what to do but this and all this did was drown my sorrows. I didn't care anymore, I didn't care what happened to me. I looked at my wrist where the scarf was. I still wore the bracelets Vic got me, I never took them off either.

I took off the one that had me and Vic's names inscribed in them. I held it close to my heart, that's what I wanted to do to him. Have him close to me, be in his warm chest.

I held it in my hand, twirling it around and tracing the names. I mostly traced his, I missed him so much. I didn't feel like eating cookies anymore, so I got up and went to the living room. I passed a mirror as I went in, I looked like a ghost, zombie, maybe even a skeleton.

At this point, I was terrified. I feared myself, I feared that I would hurt myself. I just wanted Vic. All my thoughts that went through my head when my mom died were coming to me again. I tried to ignore them and continue to the living room.

Sitting on the couch, I saw one of his jackets. It laid on one of the other couches. I went over and got it, holding it close. I could just smell his scent, I missed him being close to me. I took out my phone and called him again, he didn't answer.

'Vic, please come home. I need you here with me. I miss you and I want you here with me.'

After 3 hours there was still no reply. I had come to my senses then.

**Vic's P.O.V.**

I'm not going to hurt Kellin ever again. I can't hurt him this way, it'll only be a while. I didn't know when I was planning to go back, but it wouldn't be soon. I needed to let my thoughts catch up to me before going back.

I felt my phone vibrate, it was probably Kellin calling again. I didn't want to turn it off, but I wasn't going on answer. I continued to drive, passing the road signs and markers. Finally I was where I think I needed to be.

'Welcome to Michigan.'

Maybe this is where I'm supposed to be, maybe not. I just need to be away and I can't let anyone know I'm here. I need to be alone, just alone.

I felt my phone vibrate once again, maybe I should see what Kellin wants. I waited a while longer and pulled up to a motel. I didn't have enough cash to get a hotel room, and I feared Kellin might see where I spent money with the credit card.

I checked in, only getting a room for 2 days. That was all I could afford right now. I took my things and piled them in the room. I sat on the bed and looked around the empty room. I laid back on the small, cold bed.

I looked at the time, it was 2 in the morning. Kellin had to be sleep by now, he wouldn't have stayed up this long. His phones had stopped too, I knew he would get over it. I laid there, and decided to turn on the tv.

I watched a few episodes of Kellin's favorite show, Criminal Minds. They weren't bad and I understood why he wanted to be a criminal investigator now. I understood why he wanted to be with the FBI, it looked fun. I felt my phone vibrate and it was now 5 in the morning, for me.

'I'm coming to see you. I need to see you. I'm leaving now.'

He doesn't know where I am, how can he come see me. I ignored it and watched more tv until it vibrated again.

'I will love you until we are buried, our bodies buried close together. Cemetery Weather.'

Fuck Kellin. I dialed his number quickly, wanting him to pick up. He didn't and I called again.

"Hello?" I couldn't hear any sadness in his voice for some reason.

"Kellin, don't do anything stupid." I blurted out.

"I'm not. I'm coming to see you." He said in a cheery voice.

"Kellin, you don't know where I am." I told him, I knew he was being delusional.

"I'll see you in a while." I could tell he was about to hang up.

"Kellin, I'm coming home." I shouted into the phone receiver.

"Me too." He said back. "I love you."

"Kellin, I love you too. Don't do this." I was in tears now. "Kellin, I have to tell you something." This is what I wanted to avoid but I can't have him killing himself.

"Anything Vic." My mind told me not to tell him, but my heart wouldn't be able to live if he died.

"It's about your mom." I told him.

The other line got quiet. I feared he had hung up and I missed my chance. I broke out in tears, crying helplessly. I heard movement around on the other end of the phone.

"Vic?" Kellin's voice asked. I missed hearing his voice so much.

"Yes baby?" I sobbed into the phone.

"What about my mom?" He asked. I heard him sniffle and I regretted bringing it up. I just couldn't have him die.

"Baby. I'm sorry." I whispered.

"What about her Vic? Just tell me." He started to cry.

"I need you to go home first. Go home and I'm coming home too. I'll be home and we can talk about this together" I bargained.

"Just tell me." He whispered, barely able to choke his words out.

"I can't. I need to know that you're home and nothing will happen to you." I told him.

"Okay. But I need you to come straight home and promise to never leave me again." He cried.

"Never again. I promise. I'm coming now, just go home. I love you." I told him as I got up and went to my suitcases.

"I will. I love you too." And with that I hung up. Zero hours of sleep, but I was more alert like it was in the middle of the day.

I needed Kellin to be alive, I just don't want to tell him. Maybe it's for the better, I just don't want him to die.

A/N: 3 Chapters left.

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