GOOD morning

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there will probably be spelling mistakes and all that good stuff! im writing this from my phone. sorry if its tooo short :(

i cant sleep. maybe its because of what just happened in the shower, or maybe its just pre wedding nerves. im not sure what it is. first of all, you can take me off the virgin list. it was sudden. i didnt plan it. i wanted to wait for our honey moon. it was spur of the moment and my bum is very sore.

right now im looking at harry. he is fast asleep next to me. he has some of his curls in his eyes. reaching over i tuck them behind his ear. i suppose he feels me touching him and he moves his hand and wipes it accross his face, thus, moving the blanket off his chest. his perfect chest. he has that six pack the six pack everyone wants.

speaking of six packs, i told him i wanted one, and that liam and him should take me with them to the gym. his response? "you're perfect the way you are babe."

that might not mean a whole lot to anyone else but lately, anything harry says, makes me melt. niall says its because im in love. i agree.

harry rolls over, but towards me. were skin to skin. both naked. i think his little habit might have rubbed off on me. the being naked. its quite relaxing, and alot easier to get to the next step if you know what i mean. i wonder if he can feel... my ...on his back ? actually, now is the time to test what would wake him up. i wonder... how would he react if he woke up to me fucking him? i get hard just thinking about it.

i ought to let him sleep. right?

my dirty thoughts get the best of me and i kiss his neck. softly and slowly. just like he did in the shower. i was real nervous about the sex hurting. the water helped calm me but harry was the best. whispering in my ear.

first he calmed me down.

"boobear, this is going to hurt at first, just remember it gets better."

then he told me he loved me, which definitly gets the sex going.

"i love you mr styles."

"im gunna make love to you all night baby."

and that is the pg version. harry can talk quite dirty. he also spanks. i guess with a bum like mine, i was pretty much asking for it. i will probably have bruises on my bum tomorrow morning. it doesnt matter though, i loved every second of it.

we didnt even use gel or whatever, the water lubed us up enough. unlike how i did it with harry, he went real slow on me. or should i say in me?

ill never forget tonight. sex with your husband, is magical. i dont see how some people can take this moment away by paying for it? or just doing it because you want to. you should definitly wait, do it with someone you love.

i take my finger and run it down his side. he shivers in response. how exciting would it be to wake up to getting a blow job? i wonder if harry has ever had morning sex.

oh gosh. with all of this going on in my mind. ill never get to sleep!

harry rolls over, were are face to face again. i lean in just a bit and kiss him. to my suprise he kisses back.

"you're awake?" i smile.

"wouldnt you wake up if someone was trying to rape you in your sleep." he grins.

"rape!?" i sit up. "no one is trying to rape anyone."

"i know, im kidding babe."

he pushes me back down next to him.

"it was nice, waking up to a kiss."

i start laughing. he looks at me weirdly. propping his head up on one arm.

"i had a few ways circling in my mind, to wake you up."

"oh really?" his eyebrows go up.

i dont know if he can tell that im blushing like crazy or not.

"well... i was thinking about how yu would react to waking up.. to me fucking you."

harrys eyes go huge. "i quite might of fancied that way of waking up."

"really? you wouldnt think im over doing it?"

"horny, yes.overdoing it? no. would you like me to go back to sleep, so you can try that"

"no!" i laugh.

"are you sure?"


"can i kiss you?" he takes his finger and outlines my jaw.

looking into his eyes, is almost like looking into his soul.. their so big and beautiful. catching my breath, i ask him "do you really need permission?"

"you are really beautiful louis."

"dont you mean....?"

"handsome? no. you're beautiful, inside and out." with that being said, he leans forward and kisses me. his hand is cupping my jaw and hes exploring my mouth with his tongue.

i love moments like this. where we are in our own little world.

he nibbles on my lip, causing me to moan. he knows i like that.

"dont tease me styles."

"can we try something?"

"sure? what?" i wonder...

"i want you to ride me louis."


"if you're uncomfortable, we dont have to do it."

"thanks for caring about my well being"

i lean over and reaching my hand into the nightstand, i grab what the jelly, dont wanna rip anything.

---- couple hours later ----

i take a shower and go downstairs first. niall is eating breakfast. liam offers me pancakes, i say yes and take some. harry comes down a little bit. we decided to take seperate showers, otherwise, we would still be upstairs.

"breakfast harry?" liam asks.

"no thanks, i had breakfast."

zayns looks at him weird. "what did you eat mate?"

i cant believe harry said that.

i drop my head into my hands. niall gasps. he seems to have caught on. will my sex life ever be, private???

liam looks at harry, then at me, and yells "ew! i didnt need to know that!!!!!"

niall, with a mouthful of pancakes says "atleast we didnt hear it this time."

zayn laughs. "amen to that mate."

"pass me a pancake." harry says.

Meant to be. Larry Stylinson (boyxboy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن