A Larry thing.

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     Hi guys! :-) Thanks for getting this far. Just wanted to let you know that i am trying to update as often as possible and if you have anything you want to contribute. Let me know! Im open for all ideas :)                                             ~ Gwendolyn ♥


                                                                   Sunday Morning

       Our flight wasnt as early as we thought. It was 8 am, which means we should land in L.V a bit before midnight. Liam called our Mngmt and complained this meant we only had 13 days of vacation, so we got an extra day because the plane ride takes up an entire evening. 

We are on the plane now, having been for about two hours now. We still have about eight hours to go. Harry and I have yet to decide if the attraction between us is physical or more than that. So we are going to try and keep it on the down low. The boys dont need to know for a while, right?

      This is why I chose to sit by Liam for the plane ride and not Harry. I also made sure that we were on opposite sides, so we did not have to look at each other. It was a good plan. 

     This sparked curiosioty in the lads though, because Harry and I always sit next to eachother. Whether it was a plane, train or even a car. They just chalked it off, probably assuming we were angry at eachother.  

     A little later on..... 

     I can’t stop thinking about us in my bed. I keep trying to block it out of my mind but it isnt working. This is going to be such a long plane ride.  I start to feel my pants getting tighter and tighter at the memory. Oh no. Don’t do this to me now. I quickly cover myself up with my cover. I look over at Liam to see if he noticed, nope. He is sleeping soundly. Thank you lord, I did not want to have to explain that to anyone.

     Anyways, I need to take care of this problem. I get up and try to walk towards the bathroom. A hand stops me; I pull my legs close together and look down. It’s Harry, with a smile on his face. “What are you doing, Boo?” I glance down at my problem and his eyes follow mine. He sees my buldge and smiles even bigger. “Well…what made that guy decide to come out and party?” He chuckles.

     I roll my eyes, and cross my legs together. “I am a big boy Harry. I can take care of myself.” I attempt to go to the loo again, but look back at Harry. I glance around and notice everyone but us is sleeping. Taking a chance, I walk back towards him, yank him up and push him into the bathroom with me.

     Now it is just us two, smooshed together in this tiny little bathroom. The toilet and the sink are practically one, they are so close together. Looking back at him, he wastes no time. Putting his hand behind my head, he plants kisses all along my neck, then slowly makes his way to my chin. “Harry! Stop doddling and kiss me you fool.” I take his face into my hands and kiss him. He puts his under my bum and lifts me up onto the sink. Why didn’t I think of this earlier? This makes everything so much easier.

     He starts to gyrate against the ever growing erection in my pants. 

     It seems like we have been kissing for atleast a half hour. I am almost certain that my lips are swollen by now.I gasp for air, and moan his name loudly. "Harry..." 

      He seems so experienced in this. I am not even sure what to do with my hands. If Harry were a girl, id probably be in his bra by now. But he isnt..

     Harry chuckles, pulling me out my thoughts. "Boo, dont be afraid to touch me, im not made of glass." He takes my hands and puts them under his shirt. His chest. Its soft, but hard, a perfect combination of the two. I run my hands down his abs and he moans softly into my mouth. 

Meant to be. Larry Stylinson (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now