Mr and Mr Harry Styles.

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        Thump. Thump. Thump. That's whats going on in my head right now. I groan, and wish i didn't. My mouth is so dry. I need some water immediately. 

     I open my eyes. Whoa. Another wrong move. The room only has a little light, coming in through the windows but that's all it took. I close my eyes quickly. I have the worse headache ever. I feel a movement on my foot. Its like moving in a rhythm. Almost like an object that is maybe, breathing? 

      I lift my head up a millimeter at a time, once im sure that i have gone far enough, i open one eye and see a blonde head of hair sleeping on my foot. Niall? Looking closer, i see that he is wearing a tuxedo. 

     Okay. I just have one question. Why is Niall in my bed, wearing a tux? I groan again, thinking right now, hurts too much. Wait, maybe that was two questions? 

     After today, I am never ever drinking again. 

     No, i really mean it. No more drinking for Louis Tomlinson. 

     How did i end up here anyways? I dont even remember coming back home last night.

     What happened at the casino?

     This isn't my first hangover, so i know that laying in bed all day isn't going to make it go away. I have to get up. I ease out of bed very slowly.

     Once out of bed, I turn around and glance at Niall, who hasn't moved. He is pretty much in the same exact spot, except now, he is not sleeping on my foot. I see a movement out of the corner of my left eye. Looking towards that way, I see something move from under the covers. Soon, a head pops out and the body rolls over. 

     A head full of curls. Harry. So, Niall, Harry, and I slept in the same bed, together. That' 

     Tiptoeing to the bathroom, I look at myself in the mirror. I look terrible! My hair is sticking out in all directions. ha. All Directions. This reminds of that sign that Zayn found that one time. it said the same thing. I definitely need to take a shower and comb through this mess. First, i need to wash my face. I feel so ...dirty.

     I turn on the water, soap up my face. Rinsing off, I run a wet hand through my hair. 

     Eyes open, i catch a glimpse of something gold. 

     On my finger. 

     On my left hand.

     That was not there yesterday. I run from the bathroom to the bedroom, which isn't very far considering that they are in the same room. I start screaming like a maniac. Niall jerks up and flips out of bed. Landing on the floor. I feel for him. If his migraine is anything like mine, that had to hurt. 

     Harry peeks at me, through squinting eyes. "Louis? Why are you screaming?" he asks me. 

     I hold up my left hand, pointing to what i believe to be a wedding ring. "This is why i am screaming. What the hell is this Hazza?" I try my best to this calmly, because he did just wake up. Its best not to get on his bad side. 

     His eyes get wide and he sits up in bed. "Is that what i think it is?" I nod my head.

     Niall gets up off the floor and sits on the end of the bed. Hes groaning each step, and here i thought Irish men could hold their liquor. 

     I would laugh, but remembering whats on my finger, i stop myself from doing so. I climb back into bed and sigh.

     "Who do you think is wearing the other ring?" I ask the boys, looking at the door then Harry.

Meant to be. Larry Stylinson (boyxboy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora