"Thanks. Now if you're done insulting me, I gotta go."


Namjoon shoves his phone angrily into his pocket, 'The nerve... and I thought he was my best friend... and he's gonna make fun of me?'

Namjoon goes back into the room and tries to get comfortable into his chair.


"Namj— Dammit!" Yoongi throws his phone angrily onto his bed, "Perfect. Fucking perfect." Yoongi shoves on his shoes and grabs his phone and rushes to his car. He opens the trunk and huffs when he sees his Barrett M82.

"Well, old friend... let's go hunting..."

Finding a tactical view was hard to do around your neighborhood. There weren't too many sturdy places around, and when he did find one, he wasn't in the best of bodily positions. Finally, he settled up on a small hill, using the darkness to his advantage.

When Sanghyuk told him he wanted to hire him for his services, Yoongi couldn't stomach it. He killed for a living, that's why he moved away from Namjoon; he hadn't wanted his best friend to be in danger of his line of work. Yoongi was a trained fighter since he was young, but he got himself into sniper take outs. Modifying his weapon so it barely made a noise, but he never stayed in the same place he fires. He moves quick, efficient, and he was a cheap hit.

But even though he was a hitman, Yoongi has personal rules. Yes, he kills people for a living, half the time he doesn't ask questions why the people are getting a hit on them, however, killing you is out of the question. You were important to Namjoon, and since you were important to his best friend... he grew somewhat fond of you. You were the only other person that didn't exclude Namjoon without getting to know him.

Yoongi looks into his scope, finding your place in his sites. It was late, he figured you'd be home by now, other hitman have tried—and unsuccessfully—tried to get to you previously. You would always be with Namjoon, and no hitman would kill two people for half the pay, or try to go up against him after they attacked you. No one was foolish enough to be in close range when killing people publicly, luckily for Yoongi that wasn't an issue.

Yoongi had stayed watch the entire night, even when you had left for school, he kept hidden in his spot. If anyone had tried to look around to scope your house, he'd shoot them in a heartbeat. Anyone that would seem suspicious, would be dead.

The hours drug on, and nothing. Yoongi decides its best to pack his sniper up, and go into a more close combat style. Since it was almost lunch, Yoongi drove his way to your school. He would follow you as long as he could. As much as he could. He could only picture Namjoon's devastated look if he ever saw your dead body. The cries he heard were too real, Yoongi shook his head and took a deep breath.

"I won't let that happen... I won't!" Yoongi swears and fire ignites in his eyes, "I'll protect you, Y/N."


Jae Hwa's eyes fling open as she feels a hand around her throat, Lee Sanghyuk glares down at her and he smiles a bit.

"Good morning," he coos, "So nice of you to wake up."


"Shut up," Sanghyuk tilts his head to the side, "So you've told her?"

Jae Hwa makes a determined face as her breathing becomes constricted, "Of course I did, you thought I wouldn't?" She scoffed, "You're more of an idiot than I thought."

She heard the smack and felt her face move before the pain actually hit. A sweeping pulse ran through every nerve in her body, her being in her confining casts didn't help one bit.

"Because of you, it makes it harder for my hitman to—"

"What hitman?" Jae Hwa smiles before she spits on him, "If you actually had one, I'd be dead by now. And so would she."

Sanghyuk wipes his face, "You could still prove some use, you're not dead... and she seems to want to be around you."

His shadow begins to overtake her body, Jae Hwa looks up at him, "What are you going to do?"

"Well, you're already broken... but let's keep it that way, yeah?"

"If you touch me," her voice trembled, "I'll scream. And they'll hear me."

"Who said I'd be the one touching you?" Sanghyuk chuckles, "No, it seems to me your new friend... might be the one to stab you in the back, hopefully quite literally."

"Why would she do that?" Jae Hwa raises her voice, "She doesn't snap unless provoked! I haven't done anything to do such!"

Sanghyuk begins to head towards the door, he looks at her over his shoulder, "You have no idea what that monstrous bitch will do. She can attack at any moment, for any reason. And when she does... I'll make sure you're the only one in the room."

Jae Hwa was left with Sanghyuk's laughter resonating through her room. The beeping of her heart monitor grew more rapid as she began to panic even more. The only thing flashing through her mind....

Was you raising your fist to strike her.

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