40: Curiosity Killed The Cat

Start from the beginning

"Well I am always here to help you if you need anything," Brendon reminded him.

"Thank you, that means the world to me, and honestly, for tonight, I just want to be distracted and hear about your plans for the wedding."

"Now that I can do," Brendon grinned widely. "Let me get you another drink first though."

As Brendon went back behind the bar, Frank took the chance to pull out his phone, sending Gerard a quick text. All it said was "I love you", which Gerard knew, of course he did, but Frank felt the desperate need to remind him of that fact.


In what seemed like the blink of an eye, Brendon was announcing that it was last call at the bar, and Frank wasn't anywhere near ready to head home. Even though his mother had to be asleep by now, Frank didn't want to have to wake up in that place that was filled with so many negative memories, not now when he was feeling marginally happy after spending the evening catching up with Brendon. So he texted Pete, asking him if he could stay the night since he still hadn't heard from Gerard and he was certain he was spending almost all of his time in the hospital with Mikey.

By the time Frank made it to Pete's place, he hadn't responded to his text. Frank sighed wearily at the thought of walking back to his own house after already making the journey here, but it didn't seem that he was left with much of a choice. Just when he was about to turn back the way he had come, a familiar car pulled into Pete's driveway.

"Frank honey, is that you?" Pete's mother called out as she turned her engine off.

"Hi Mrs. Wentz," Frank waved sheepishly. "Sorry for coming over at this hour, I was just hoping to crash here."

"Don't apologize sweetie, you know you're welcome here anytime. Lucky for you I got off work late. I think Pete is out too, but he should be back soon, and you're can always stay here whether he's home or not."

"Thank you so much, I really appreciate that," Frank smiled sincerely as Mrs. Wentz exited the car and motioned for Frank to follow her inside. Frank gave her a quick hug in thanks once they entered the living room, which she instantly returned.

"You're okay right Frank?" she asked when he pulled away.

"Yeah, just didn't want to go home tonight," Frank answered as honestly as he could. He loved Mrs. Wentz to death, she was basically a mother to him, but he couldn't let her know about everything that was troubling him, she wouldn't understand, and he would hate to make her think less of him if she actually knew half of his problems that he constantly ran to her house to escape.

"Okay hon, get some rest now. I'm down the hall if you need me," she smiled softly, accepting Frank's answer instantly just like she always did.

"I will, thank you again."

Frank made his way up to Pete's room as quietly as he could so he wouldn't wake up Mr. Wentz, shedding his shoes and jacket once he was in the small space and quickly making himself at home. He checked his phone again when he was settled, seeing that Pete still hadn't responded to his message, so he texted him again letting him know he was in his room so he wouldn't be scared shitless when he did come home.

Frank briefly wondered where Pete could be that had him out so late, but really, it wasn't all that surprising that he didn't know. He'd been doing the best he could to make time for Pete lately, but they didn't talk as much as they used to. Either way, his mother hadn't seemed worried at all, so he was most likely at another friend's place for the evening.

Frank did feel a modicum of guilt for letting their friendship falter, but he wasn't going to let it break. Things had come between them - mostly Gerard, but at the end of the day, no matter how much or how little they spoke, Pete would always be Frank's best friend, and that was all that mattered.

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