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I walked a thousand miles,
My legs are hurting, my heart feels heavy and I can't breathe anymore.
My throat is dry, my stomach is empty and so is my soul.

When will I arrive, where will I go?

Can't feel anything but pain.
I am comletly alone, there is no one with me.

When will I find the place where I should be?
Where my soul sets free, where I am happy and where everything feels as light as a feather.
Where breathing and living is easy.

I want to be unstoppable and not caught in the cage of pain.
Caught in there, walking and walking, but finding nothing.
Always passing the same spot and seeing only dirt.

Feels like I am walking a long way, but I am not getting any further.
I am stuck and can't find a way out.

Will I find a way home?
When comes the relief?

~Kate Mayer

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