45 | epilogue : the second season

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It has been 3 years since the events of Prince Caspian took place. My heart is still in Narnia and is still longing to be there. I am now a 17 year old finishing her Year 12 and will be going to the last year which is Year 13 before college.

Summer is almost here which means no more boarding school for me. I was writing a letter to Peter like always. He told me that he got into a fight again for some reason and he has been doing good academically and that he misses me and wishes summer will come soon.

'Dear Peter,

I told you not to fight anymore! Don't fight back and be the better person. Don't go causing trouble or being one. A High King always needs to set an example to his people. I would punch you right now if I was there. But I do hope you are not hurt badly. Go to the nurse if you dislocated your arm again.

Life here is still same old, same old. Lucy is still doing great in her academics, Susan is somewhere out with some friends. I'm actually concerned about Susan. She's not being 'Susan'. She has changed for some reason. She started hanging out with some friends that I think are bad influences for her. She has become very stubborn and not the 'Susan' stubborn way.

Whenever I tell her about Narnia, she would just always say it was just our imagination. I'm very sad for her to think that way.

I really miss you, my love. I'm looking forward to meeting you again. Let's watch movies and eat pancakes.

Don't go fighting anymore. I love you.

Lots of Love,

I put the letter into the envelope and immediately mailed it into the post office. Things has been good between Peter and I. People would ask how did we last so long, well the secret is we already grew up together.

Walking back to my dorm I remembered one crucial detail in these last three years. Edmund and Lucy came back to Narnia two years ago. It was a year after the Prince Caspian situation happened. They were with their cousin, Eustace. We eventually had a meeting with Susan at that time before she changed. They told us about all the things that had happened. How Eustace was a brat and turned into a dragon. How Caspian is still hot (don't mind me, I still ship Susan and Caspian). And how Edmund killed a serpent using Rhindon.

Ed asked Caspian about Night Fire and Caspian said that he is keeping it safe and stored at our treasure room which gave me a peace of mind. They also said that Caspian probably got married. I was happy for him and yet sad for Susan. I shipped them so hard. I wish they could've ended up together, but I guess they were never meant to be at this life.

Lucy also told us that Aslan told Ed and her that they won't be coming back to Narnia anymore. She told us that Aslan has another name in our world which is of course, Jesus Christ.

Eustace on the other hand, went back to Narnia again at the same year with a friend named Jill. They told us that Caspian was old and passed away. His son, Rillian, was saved by them. He was bewitched by some snake woman. Peter and I made our theories that the snake woman is probably a descendant or is Princess Isabelle of Thelovia.

Another news is that Reepicheep went to the ends of Narnia to find Aslan's Country. We all prayed and hoped that he did in fact made it. It was actually good to know that a lot of people experienced the wonders of Narnia.

Professor Diggory and his friend, The Lady Polly, has told us stories in which the moment that Narnia was born. We all would meet up from time to time and taste Lady Polly's famous and delicious cheesecake which I loved so much.

Life has been actually pretty good so far. Peter and I have so many plans together. We plan to move in with each other when we start college and we also plan to go to the same college.

I am still waiting for the time when Aslan will call upon us and we'll be able to see him again. I have some bad feelings these couple of past months. Something's going to happen soon...


hello everyone! thank you for your continued support for this book despite its late uploads. the next part will be the last one. thank you for your patience!

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