36 | train to narnia

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It's been almost a year since we were last in Narnia. Being back here again had its major downfalls. The others have a hard time adjusting with everything again from the people, the food, and especially, the language. After 15 years of talking like a medieval person, they are relearning to speak in modern language. It wasn't hard for me to be honest.

I still felt weak. It's as if I'm used to having more strength than this tiny, puny body has. Peter had it hard. He has been struggling internally. He kept praying and asking for Aslan to take us all back but nothing happens. He feels as if Aslan is so faraway from us and he worries a lot about our people and friends back in Narnia. I try to comfort him in the best of my ability.

We still wore our rings even after arriving here. We were so used to being close and to act like a married couple that it was hard for us not to. We tried our very best and I think we still suck at it.

We're going on a train to go to seperate schools. I tried to go to a nearer school for Peter and Edmund but it was impossible. I had to go with Susan and Lucy. Peter and I promised each other to send letters everyday or once every 2 days. It will be hard for us but we trust each other.

I'm just gonna miss the hangouts with Peter, Eddy and I always had. We would hang out all night do some crazy fun stuff and watch some movies and eat a lot.


I was at the train station with Peter and Edmund. Susan and Lucy ran off somewhere.

"I'll just use the restroom," Edmund said as he went off leaving me and Peter.


I can't process what was happening...

Peter and I were just walking by the train station when all of a sudden three boys from our school started flirting and bothering me. Peter's overprotective nature caused him to be angry with them.

"Hey there," A boy winked at me and grabbed my arm.

Peter's eyes became the eyes of a High King that was in range. I've seen those eyes before. Whenever his siblings or I were in danger, those are the eyes I see. Eyes that are full of anger, hatred and fear: fear of losing the ones he loves.

"Don't you dare touch her!" He shouted causing attention to students and people around us. I pulled my arm back.

"You don't get to tell me what to do, Pevensie!"The boy said then he suddenly punched Peter. The two other boys followed and punched Peter.

Without even thinking or processing what was going on, my body started to move on its own. I think this was an instinct I picked up in Narnia. Being The Warrior Queen has it's perks.

I tackled a boy onto the ground. Students started to make a circle around us. I could see their shocked faces. He wasn't moving that much, but my noodle arms were getting tired all of a sudden. He struggled to get up, but he doesn't struggle that much because I was a girl.

I turned around to see Peter getting beat up by two other guys. Without realizing the guy I was tackling pushed me away to the ground then ran to his friends who was beating Peter up.

 Without realizing the guy I was tackling pushed me away to the ground then ran to his friends who was beating Peter up

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