14 | cair paravel

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After some long and tiresome days, we have finally rested on a magnificent looking palace. I slept in a good and nice bed and I was given my own room. The room looks pretty fancy. Susan has hers, Lucy also and the two brothers have their own. It was a little lonely to sleep alone without Susan or Lucy, but it has been alright.

I still can't believe that this is all happening. I can't believe that today will be a celebration.

Aslan has told us that something special will happen today and that we must get ready and wear good clothes.

A Naiad entered my room and gave me the dress that I will be wearing.

I wore the the dress and I looked like a dying squid

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I wore the the dress and I looked like a dying squid. I'm not surprised.

I went out of my room to go to Susan's. I knocked then went inside when I heard Susan, "Come in."

I was suprised to see Lucy there too. They both looked at me shockingly for some reason. I've never really worn anything extravagant like this.

"Erin! You-you look so beautiful," Susan exclaimed as she walked towards me.

"You should keep wearing those kinds of dresses. It looks beautiful on you," Lucy said and I smiled.

"You guys are so beautiful too!" I said.

We then talked a lot of the things and had some finishing touches until we were called to go down for the ceremony.

I was shocked on how crowded the place was. Horns were blowing and everyone was cheering and rejoicing. I asked Edmund on why we were going to the thrones. He looked suprised and shocked that I didn't know anything. He then revealed to me that we are being crowned as Kings and Queens of Narnia.

I was shooked.

Aslan roared, "Bring forth the crowns!"

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Aslan roared, "Bring forth the crowns!"

Mr. Tumnus and Mr. Beaver brought out 5 crowns. I almost cried because I don't think I deserve this. I don't deserve to be Queen.

Erin The High Queen || Peter PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now