19 | every time

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Edmund grabbed my hand, "Erin- Let's go," He said as he pulled me.

I was still in shock of everything and I couldn't process what was happening. I just followed where Edmund would lead me. Nothing mattered for me anymore.

He was happier with her...

We stopped running away and Edmund looked behind to see me. He still held my hand tightly.


"I'm fine."

Then suddenly my body betrayed me. Tears suddenly fell from my eyes. I looked at Edmund with a dead look. Tears running through my face as if it were waterfalls.

I wasn't stable. My emotions were everywhere. I felt like my facade became hollow and suddenly collapses. Every little thing I have loved suddenly abandons me. And I suddenly felt the loneliness and mortal coldness of the universe.

Edmund immediately embraced me,


"You're not alone.
I'm here,"


He pulled away from the hug to look at my face and wipe my tears away.


"Everytime you cry,

I'll wipe those tears away.

Every time you're angry,

I'll be your punching bag.

Every time you want to give up,

I'll give you more reasons to keep going.

I'll be here for you,"


He looked me deeply in the eyes, "So please... don't push me away," He hugged me again and this time, this embrace was full of warmth.

I cried my heart out.

The words that Edmund said...were the words that I've been longing for Peter to tell me...


Erin The High Queen || Peter PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now