8 | spring day

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After some minutes of walk and small talks we finally arrived at Aslan's Camp. When we got there, I saw so many creatures. I can't explain everything I saw, but it was so cool and awesome. Everyone was staring at us. I felt awkward and shy so I just looked at the ground. Peter held my hand tightly. He was anxious too.

"Why are they all staring at us?" Susan asked.

"Maybe they think you look funny," Lucy said and Peter and I giggled.

I raised Lucy so well.

When we got closer to a large tent. Peter pulls out his sword infront of a centaur.

"We have come to see Aslan," Peter sounded brave and confident.

All of a sudden the tent started to blow in breeze and everyone surrounding us kneeled down. A Lion like non other appeared. The Lion was majestic and so holy that my eyes are not worthy to see it. I basically can't look at him in the eye. The Pevensies and I eventually kneeled as well.

The Great Lion began to speak, "Welcome Peter Adam's son, Welcome Erin, Susan and Lucy daughters of Eve. Welcome Beavers. You have my thanks, but where is the fifth?," The Great Lion asked.

"That's why we are here," Peter stood up and all of us started to do the same.

"We had a little trouble along the way," Susan explained.

"He's been captured by the White Witch," Peter suddenly said and everyone gasped.

"Captured!" Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

"He betrayed them your Excellence!" Mr. Beaver revealed.

"Then he has betrayed us all," A Centaur commented.

Aslan looked at the Centaur, "Peace Oreius."

"It is my fault really. I was too hard on him," Peter said with guilt. He knew he was one of the very reasons why Edmund isn't here.

"We all were," I looked down on the floor.

"Sir, he's our brother," Lucy's eyes were filled with tears.

"I know dear and that makes the betrayal all the worse. It may be harder than you think," Aslan said then he told some naiads to show us around while Peter and him talk in a hill.

I kinda miss Edmund. Actually I really miss him, I miss punching him, and I miss our fun times together. If only he was here. He was my partner in crime and my homie.

Susan, Lucy, some naiads and I started to walk to the river. Again, the scenery catched my eyes. From seeing only ice and snow, spring really came again.

"So Erin are you and Peter a thing now?" Susan asked and I immediately blushed.

"Susan shut up!" I blushed harder then Lucy laughed.

"Oh dear Erin, I'll be glad for you to be my sister-in-law," Lucy smiled.

"Guys! shut it" I said.


Then a couple of minutes later we reached the river. Then the naiads and some dryads brought us clothes to wear. I changed into a dress they gave me. The dress was kinda cute not gonna lie.

"Mother hasn't had a dress like this since before the war," Susan said.

Lucy picked up a dress, "Maybe we had bring back a whole trunk load when we go home," I then nodded in agreement.

"If we go home...Sorry I guess I am like that. Remember when we use to have fun?"

I said, "Yes, before you go boring."

Lucy nodded her head.

"Oh really," Susan said then she splashed water at me and I spashed water on her as payback.

It was great to have fun some times. All the giggle and laughter was in the air. Susan and I went to get a towel when a wolf appears.

"Now, We're very tired. We'd prefer to kill you quickly," A wolf told us.

A wave of fear and need to protect Susan and Lucy came to me and I threw a towel at him and Susan and I ran across the river with Lucy.

Susan gets her horn and blew it.

Hopefully help comes.

"Susan! Lucy! Climbed the tree!" I yelled.

We immediately climbed the tree. Wolves came to us, but are stuck below. I was not athletic. I didn't know how I climbed this big tree.

We were all praying and hoping help will come soon. Then it did.

"Peter!" I shouted almost in tears.

Peter went across the river and Aslan pins a wolf.

"Stay back. This is Peter's battle," Aslan told the other wolves.

Peter ran towards us, but a wolf attacked him instantly.

"Peter!" The three of us yelled then we went down the tree and ran up to Peter.

When we did, Peter stood up. I was so relieved to see him alive and well. He looked disgusted by killing the wolf, but that made him feel confident and brave.

The other creatures and animals started to appear all around us. The wolves ran away.

"Follow him! He'll lead you to Edmund," Aslan instructed the other animals.

"Peter, clean your sword," Aslan told Peter then some moments later Aslan made Peter kneel infront of him.

"Rise, Sir Peter Wolfsbane--Knight of Narnia," Aslan put his great paw to Peter. Peter looked at Aslan with great awe. Peter looked so excited and happy.


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