52 | chapter one

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The New Narnia became more extremely beautiful. Eustace and I were running and running. We were full of ebullience and energy. We found out something so grand and amazing: we could never get tired! We ran and ran, and I could certainly tell you I am not tired. My weakness was running. As much as I am good at fighting and combat, when it comes to running... well certainly not.

"This is absolutely crazy!" Eustace shouted.

I giggled, "I know!"

"Isn't it wonderful?", Said Lucy. "Have you noticed one can't feel afraid, even if one wants to? Try it."

"One certainly can!" Eustace said after he tried. 

"Reepicheep!" Lucy squealed and pointed behind us. Everyone looked behind and my heart suddenly bounced with joy even more. Our old friend is back with our older friends.

We all gathered around in circle to greet and say hello to Reepicheep. It has been so long since I saw this brave mouse. He is one of the great heroes of Narnia. I looked past my shoulder and noticed Tirian was walking away from the group. I looked past him and saw someone that resembled his face. It was his father, King Erlian, Lucy mentioned.

 All of a sudden every great heroes of all history of Narnia has somehow appeared here.Everyone you had ever heard of seemed to be there. There was Glimfeather the Owl and Puddleglum the Marshwiggle, and King Rilian the Disenchanted, and his mother, the Star's daughter, and his great father, Caspian himself. And close beside him were the Lord Drinian and the Lord Berne and Trumpkin the Dwarf and Trufflehunter, the Good Badger, with Glenstorm the Centaur and a hundred other heroes of the great War of Deliverance.

And then from another side came Cor the King of Archenland with King Lune, his father, and his wife, Queen Aravis and the brave prince, Corin Thunder-Fist, his brother and Bree the Horse and Hwin the Mare. And then- which was a wonder beyond all wonders to Tirian- there came from further away in the past, the two good Beavers and Tumnus the Faun.

My eyes started to form tears when I saw Mr. Tumnus and the Beavers. It was not of sadness but of great joy. They were our old friends and the reason we are here now. Hugs, kisses, laughter, and joy were heard in the air. Everyone saying hello and shaking hands with one another. I hugged my old friend, Caspian. He looked way mature since the time I had last seen him. He actually asked wheres Susan, so Peter and I had to explain the situation to him. He was sad to hear that.

"Hey brat!" A familiar voiced called out. My heart suddenly dropped and I turned around. Tears could not stop falling from my eyes. I smiled. 

It was the Imperial Blood Knights. They were dressed as the last time I have seen them. I instantly ran up to them and hugged them all.

"Erin! We missed you!" Hange said.

Connie rested his hand on my head, "It's been so long, Commander."

"We were always waiting for you." Samuel smiled.

"You're still the same old brat," Levi commented and I laughed.

Eren looked at me intently, "Your height never changed! You're still so short," He laughed and I smacked his arm.

I smiled, "It's good to see you, idiots, again."


We all kneeled down to the two most important people in history, King Frank and Queen Helen from whom all the most ancient Kings of Narnia and Archenland are descended.

I walked up to Peter and said, "Can you believe this? This is actually happening!"

"I know. It's very crazy that we are living up to see this day happen," Peter said.

We then saw miles away. A familiar sight. England.

"Why!" exclaimed Peter, "It's England. And that's the house itself- Professor Kirk's old home in the country where all our adventures began!"

"I thought that house had been destroyed," said Edmund.

"So it was," said the Faun. "But you are now looking at the England within England, the real England just as this is the real Narnia. And in that inner England no good thing is destroyed."

We saw the Pevensie parents and my parents. We waved at them and they waved back.

"How can we get at them?" Lucy asked.

"That is easy," said Mr. Tumnus. "That country and this country- all the real countries- are only spurs jutting out from the great mountains of Aslan. We have only to walk along the ridge, upward and inward, till it joins on. And listen! There is King Frank's horn: we must all go up."

We all found ourselves walking together until we reached our final destination. Aslan was there himself with the donkey named Puzzle (Eustace told me). He whispered something to the donkey. Puzzle looked so small like a kitten compared to The Great Lion Himself.

"You do not yet look so happy as I mean you to be," Aslan said.

Lucy replied, "We're so afraid of being sent away, Aslan. And you have sent us back into our own world so often."

"No fear of that," said Aslan. "Have you not guessed?"

Our hearts then leaped and a wild hope rose within our hearts. The hope and the idea of staying here forever. Peter held my hand tightly and I did his.

"There was a real railway accident," said Aslan softly. "Your father and mother and all of you are- as you used to call it in the Shadow Lands- dead. The term is over: the holidays have begun. The dream is ended: this is the morning."

I can't explain what I was feeling. To be honest, I wasn't even sad. I was happy. I am washed with so much joy and happiness. All of us now are going to live with Aslan in this New Narnia forever and nothing can change that fact.

But then Aslan himself began to change into something. Something that is hard to describe. As He spoke, He no longer looked like a lion, but start transforming into human. Into Jesus.

Our hearts and faces began to smile brightly. We were waiting for this day to come and now it has come. It feels like the wardrobe adventures was a thousand years ago, but it was all worth it in the end. It all led up to this moment. Everything that had happened were only fillers, but this one- this one is the main thing.

After that moment, we could truly say we all lived happily ever after or will live a happily ever after. This is now the end of my story as the High Queen of Narnia, but for all of us it was only the beginning of the real story. All of our life in this world and all of our adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and the title page: now at last we were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story, which no one on earth has read: which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before.

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