9 | morning

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I woke up feeling great because I smelled good food. I stood up and saw Susan already awake and Lucy still sleeping. We were in a big tent that was made for us. Peter slept in another tent.

"Good morning, Erin.," Susan said with a smile. She was infront of a mirror brushing her hair.

"Morning to you too," I replied.

"When are you going to tell him?" Susan asked.

"What? Who?" I said in confusion. I probably must be half awake

Susan came closer to me and whispered, "Peter."

My heart started to pound and I blushed, "Well you know...uhhm..."

"You should really confess to him. He probably feels the same way," Susan said, still brushing her hair infront of a mirror.

"He probably doesn't feel the same way," I said.

"You never know," Susan smirked and I was left silent then all of a sudden Lucy stood up, scaring me.

"Bloody hell Lucy!!" I said suprised and she giggled.

"Language!" Susan said.

"I heard everything," Lucy said and I began to blush harder.

"Lucy I- uhh-"

"I support it! a hundred percent!" She said and it made my morning shine.


After some few minutes of preparation, we decided to go out of the tent discovering Peter waiting for us outside. I remembered what Lucy said and I immediately blushed.

"Good morning," Susan and Lucy said to Peter.

"Good morning to you too," Peter replied then he looked at me.

He then asked, "Are you alright, Erin? You seem to look red. Are you sick?"

He was going to touch my forehead to see if I was hot, but I immediately stopped him.

"It's ok! I'm alright just a little bit tired," I told him and he didn't buy it, but he left me alone. I heared Susan and Lucy giggling at the background.

I saw Peter's focus was somewhere else. I looked at a direction where Peter was looking. My heart immediately dropped as I saw Edmund at the top of a cliff with Aslan. I was going to run, but Peter blocked me with his hand.

"Edmund!" Lucy yelled and got the attention of Eddie and Aslan. Then Aslan motioned Edmund to go down, so they did.

"What's done is done. There is no reason to bring up the past with your brother," Aslan told us and we nodded.

"Hello..." Edmund waved.

I miss this stupid boy so much. I immediately hugged him.

"We missed you deeply, Ed," I said.

"Oh, Edmund," Lucy and Susan hugged him.

"How are you feeling?" Susan asked.

"I'm feeling kinda tired."

"Get some rest...and Edmund try not to wander off again. Some time later, breakfast," Peter strictly said.

He looked cold, but I knew he was happy to see his brother again.

"Narnia isn't going to run out of toast, Edmund," Lucy said.

"Then you better pack some for the journey," Peter commented.

"So we're going home?" Susan asked.

"You are, I promised I'd keep you four safe, but there's no reason I can't stay and help," Peter said.

I argued, "But they need us...All five of us."

"Erin, it's too dangerous. You almost drowned and Edmund was almost killed!" Peter shouted and it made me flinch.

The tone of his voice was the sound that I didn't like because I knew I cannot argue with it.

"Which is why we have to stay," Edmund said and we all looked at him.

Edmund continued, "I've seen what the White Witch can do and I've helped her do it, and we can't leave these people behind to suffer for it."

I was now witnessing a rare occasion: Edmund is finally maturing.

"Well I guess that's it then," Susan said while walking out.

"Where are you going?" Peter asked.

Susan looked back, "To get in some practice," I smirked and followed her lead.


She went inside our tent to grab her bow and arrow. I ran towards the tent to also get my weapon. After that, we all then began to practice.

Susan and Lucy practiced archery and Edmund, Peter and I began to practice our sword skills.

"Where'd you get your sword?" Edmund asked.

"Got it from Father Christmas," I said as I smiled looking at my sword.

"Did you name it?"

"I've never really thought of it. Well maybe... I'll name him 'The Reaper'."

"The Reaper? Why 'The Reaper'?" Edmund asked.

"I don't know. Well maybe cause it's black," I smiled thinking that I was really smart for coming up with the name.

Edmund muttered, "You really are stupid."

"Come on Ed, sword hand up like Oreius showed us," Peter said with a slight tone of irritation.

I was gonna ask Peter if he wants to have a single combat, but then the beavers came on running to us then Edmund's horse rears

Edmund was startled, "Whoa horsey!"

"My name is Philip," The horse replied.

"Oh, sorry."

"Mr. Beaver and Mrs. Beaver what brings you here?" I asked.

"You better come quick the White Witch has requested a meeting with Aslan..." Mr. Beaver told us and the three of us looked at each other.


Erin The High Queen || Peter PevensieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang