10 | the night

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We arrived at Aslan's Camp to discover all of the creautures and animals were there. We saw Susan and Lucy and we walked towards them. Aslan then walked out of his tent.

"Jadis.. Jadis!!!" A dwarf yelled out.

I saw a Cyclops carrying Jadis with her bed-thingy. She hops down and walked towards Aslan.

It was my first time seeing her. She looked white as snow, Her lips were red, and her hair was white.

I felt the sense of fear and hatred in the air where Jadis was walking. She was eyeing us from head to toe, mostly she was looking at me. Peter sensed I was scared and he suddenly held my hand.

"I'm here to protect you," He whisphered in my ear.

With his words, it gave me peace knowing he was there with me.

He was blocking us away from her. Jadis probably noticed it too. She then looked at Edmund then Aslan.

"You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan," Jadis said and everyone gasped.

"His offence was not against you," Aslan replied.

"Have you forgotten the Deep Magic?"
The witch responded quickly.

"Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was made."

She then said, "Then you will know that the boy belongs to me," she pointed at Edmund, "That boy will die on the Stone Table."

"Come and take it then," Peter said boldly and my hold on his hand tightened.

"You think that a simple threat will deny me my right, Little King? Aslan knows that if I do not have blood as the law demands, all of Narnia will be overturned, and perish, in fire and water," The witch explained.

"Enough, I shall talk with you alone," Aslan said and they went inside his tent.

We left standing there in silence. Peter held my hand tightly. I'll be lying if I said I wasn't scared or worried for Edmund. But I trust in Aslan.

Some moments later, The witch came out of the tent and just walked out.

"The Witch has denounced her claim on Edmund," Aslan announced and we all cheered out.

"How will I know your promise will be kept?" The Witch asked then Alsan threw a loud roar and she just ran away. We all laughed and cheered for Aslan and he went back to him tent.

After that we all continued training and whatnot. Then the night fell upon us.

Today has been a tiring day. I'm glad that Edmund is still with us. I was quietly resting and I couldn't seem to sleep. I heard rustling then Lucy came to my bed.

"Erin," She whispered.

"What?" I replied, half-a-sleep.

"I can't sleep. I keep feeling something's going to happen tonight," she said.

Now that Lucy have mentioned it. I've been feeling a bit weird lately. As if I needed to do something.

I got up and we were going to wake up Susan, but she was already awake and said that she couldn't sleep because of a feeling. We then saw a shadow coming pass us. I grabbed my sword 'Reaper', Lucy grabbed her dagger and cordial, and Susan with her bow and arrow.

We left our tent and followed the hidden figure only to discover it was Aslan. We kept on following him quietly until...

"Aren't you suppose to be in bed?" Aslan suddenly said and that suprised me.

Erin The High Queen || Peter PevensieHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin