5 | fox

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We immediately went to a tunnel and Mr. Beaver lead the way.

"This should lead to Aslan's," Mr. Beaver said as he navigates.

"I thought it lead to your mums!" Mrs. Beaver said and then I heared growling.

"They're in the tunnel!" Lucy said.

We all ran faster until we came to a dead end.

"You should have brought a map!" Mrs. Beaver scolded Mr. Beaver.

Once Petet gets out, Lucy falls on a bunch of statues and gets up. We then realized those stone statues are animals.

"What happened to them?" Susan asked.

"This is what happens to the enemies of the White Witch," An unknown voice spoke.

"Stand still there traitor," Mr. Beaver told the Fox.

"Relax, I'm one of the good guys," The Fox said.

"Well you look mighty like one of the bad guys," Mr. Beaver said.

"An unfortunate family resemblance, but we can discuss family breeding later right now we need to move," The Fox said.

"Woah you're a Fox! I love foxes!" I said in awe.

"Well thank you, your majesty," The Fox bowed.

// Wait what? Majesty? //

"What do you suggest we do?" Peter asked the Fox then he smirked.


After some minutes all of us were on top of the trees and the Fox stayed on the ground

"Evening gents, Did we lose something?" The Fox asked the wolves.

"Don't patronized me, I know where your allegiance lies. We are looking for some humans," The wolf growled.

The fox replied, "Humans in Narnia, now that's some valuable information."

"Where are they?!" The leader of the pack demanded. He then started to bite the Fox's neck. Lucy cried out, but Peter shushes her. I was in shock.

The Fox looks around hopelessly and then hangs his head in shame.

"Th- they were heading North," The Fox stuttered.

"Quickly, smell them out," The leader named Maugrim told his members then they cast aside the Fox.

After the wolves have gone we immediately went down to go to the Fox.

"Are you all right?" I asked while Mrs. Beaver is healing his wounds.

"Well, I wish I could say their bark was worse than their bite," The Fox winced in pain as he continued to talk.

"Stop squirming! You're worse than beaver on bath day," Mrs. Beaver said.

"Worst day of the year," Mr. Beaver sighed and I laughed.

"Well, I am afraid that is all the healing I have time for," The Fox stood up with its hind legs.

"You're leaving?" I asked.

"It has been a pleasure my Queen. I have been asked by Aslan himself to gather more troops," The Fox revealed.

"You've seen Aslan!" Mr. Beaver said in amazement as if he can't believe what he just heard.

"What is He like?" Mrs. Beaver asked.

"Like everything we have ever heard. He'll be a good help fighting the White Witch."

"We are not planning to fight any witch," Susan said.

"Surely King Peter..." Mr. Fox didn't get to finish his sentence.

"We just want to get our brother back," Peter said. He looked hopeless and I laid my hand on his shoulder for comfort and he looked at me and smiled.


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