7 | river flow

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We reached the icy river that we had to cross. This icy river looked scary for me to cross on. It made me rethink my life decisions instantly the moment I saw it.

"Wait, maybe we should think about this," Susan said and for the first time I actually agreed to her.

"We don't have time," Peter said.

"I was just trying to be realistic," Susan argued.

"No, you're trying to be smart as usual!" Peter snapped.

I stood so close to them that this is very awkward for me. The awkwardness was killing me softly.

"Hey guys let's be mature here. We should focus on getting to Aslan and saving Edmund," I told them.

It took me a lot of courage to say that because firstly, I do not like confrontations, second, I don't like Susan getting angry and lastly, I'm scared of Peter when he gets angry.

They both nodded and agreed and said sorry to each other. We begin to go down the hill.

"Wait, maybe I should go first," Mr. Beaver suggested

"Maybe you should," Peter replied back.


"You've been sneaking second helpings haven't you?" Mrs. Beaver said.

"Well you never know what meal is gonna be your last, especially with your cooking," Mr. Beaver said.

"if mum knew what we were doing..." Susan murmured.

"Mum's not here!" Peter snapped again. I was going to call them off when the wolves reappeared.

"Oh no!" Lucy said.

"Run!" Peter yelled and we all began to bolt towards the icy river.

This is the moment where I deeply regret life decisions. Wolves kept on leaping infront of us, growling and sneering. Peter had to draw his sword out, making the other wolves scared.

"Put that down boy, someone might get hurt," The Wolf named Maurim told Peter.

Peter looked scared. He was shaking. I wanted to help, but I couldn't do anything but watch.

"Don't worry about me! Slit his throat!" Mr. Beaver was pinned down by a wolf.

"Leave now while you can, and you're brother leaves with you," The wolf said and Peter looked really anxious.

"Stop Peter, maybe we should listen to him!" Susan exclaimed.

Maugrim chuckled, "Smart girl,"

"Don't listen to him. Kill him. Kill him now!" Mr. Beaver shouted.

"Peter! I believe in you!" I yelled and Peter looked at me with the look he gave when the world stopped for us.

"Look, just because some man in a red suit hands you a sword doesn't make you a hero! So just drop it!" Susan argued and I made my rebuttal.

"No! Peter- Narnia needs you!" I shouted back and for some reason, I knew, Peter only listened to me.

"What's it gonna be Son of Adam? We're not going to wait for ever. And neither is the river," Maugrim said then the river's ice started to crack around us.

"Peter!" Lucy shouted.

"Hold onto me!" Peter said.

I immediately let Lucy hold onto him, but when I was going to hold on, he stabbed his sword into the ice and that made us float away from the area.

I was seperated away from them. Endlessly grasping for air in the cold and icy waters of this mighty river. I honestly thought that this was the end of me.

After some minutes of my routine of suffering. I finally went to shore and breathed. I heard some shouting.


All of them were looking for me. I was tired so I just laid down there. I almost passed out, but I had to go to them. I made my body get up and walk despite of tiredness and coldness.

"Guys!" I shouted faintly and Peter ran towards me and hugged me.

"Are you alright?!" Peter looked at me as he supported my balance by holding my waist.

I coughed, "I'm alright."

"Oh Erin!" Lucy said.

Susan came on next and then the beavers.

While walking away from the river, Peter held me tight for me not to shiver that much and he gave me his coat even though I rejected, he insisted.

"I'm sorry" Peter said. He looked disappointed at himself.

I smiled and said, "Hey it's ok. It's not your fault."

"It is! I should've waited for you to hold on to me," Peter said and I went silent.

The walk was silent, but somehow beautiful. The two of us holding hands walking through a forest of ice and cold, making each other warm. Looking through the scenery presented before us, without any words said, we both knew we were happy that each one of us was still alive and well.

Without any words, for some reason there's hope inside of me that he feels the same. That he treasures every moment we spent with each other. Good or bad. Anything. I prayed inside my heart that this beautiful moment may last thousands of years to forever.

Suddenly the scenery changed into some what a dream come true. An illusion of some sort. A wish that came true.

From the icy and cold forest it changed into a spring field flowered forest. I looked at the scene before me.

"I don't think you'll be needing those coats any more!" Mrs. Beaver said and we immediately removed our coats.

I was astonished by seeing a line that is between Winter and Spring. The line where Winter ends.

We head towards the Spring forest and admired it's sceneries until we reach Aslan's Camp.

Spring really came again.


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