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3rd person's POV

"GYAH!!" Naruto fell on the ground in surprise, not expecting anyone to talk to him at this time of day.

"Suzu-chan?!" Nodding, Suzu helped Naruto up to his feet, the blonde scratching his head in embarrassment.

"What you doing?" tilting her head in question, she sees behind Naruto's back what looks like a deflated clone of him on the ground, the said person quickly making it poof away.

"Just practicing! And aren't you supposed to go home right now?"

"Oh." Naruto anime fell at her answer, waving goodbye as Suzu waved back as well, continuing her walk home.

Arriving at her destination, Suzu was immediately dragged inside and got a scolding from her sister, the blue haired girl listening and only nodding in reply while eating the dangos she bought on the way home.

The next morning, they arrived at school with the usual rivalry of her sister and Ino leaving her behind, another decrease in her allowance, and the daily chatters of the classroom.

"Shino, Kiba." Suzu tugged on the sleeves on the said boys' arms, the two stopping on what they were doing and turned around to see Suzu offering two dango sticks.

"Want some?" Kiba with a blush on his face, mumbled a thank you while munching on the dango, Shino patting the blue haired girl's hair in appreciation, as to which Suzu liked the gesture.

The students all scrambled to their seats once they saw the teacher come in, announcing that boys would go first then the girls in alphabetical order in taking the test.

Suzu's POV
Silently cheering, I put the headband I was given for passing the test on my waist and immediately went to Sakura who gave me a hug.

"Sis I passed!" I gave a small smile in return to Sakura's pat on my head, telling me that I did a good job afterwards talking about how cool the it was.

Sighing, I just silently listen to her fangirling about it while watching the others come back with headbands.

'So far, everyone managed to pass the test.. But where' s Uzumaki-san?' At that thought, I looked around not seeing the blonde clad in orange anywhere, my attention going back to Sakura when I heard a squeal, sighing when I saw her have hearts in her eyes quickly going to the it, praising him along with it's other fangirls.

Seeing that  I pouted. Huffing silently in my seat since I wanted to be praised a little bit more from my sister, uncrossing my arms when I felt a pat on my head.

"Good job Suzu." Shino exclaimed, Kiba grinning beside him with Akamaru wagging his tail.

"Yeah! I was worried you're gonna fail or something since you only joined yesterday, but all that worrying was for nothing."

I looked at my two friends with sparkly eyes, receiving the praise that I wanted.

"Praise me more."

"Ya did a very good job!"


"Ya did great Suzu!"

"More please."

"Good job Suzu!"

I gave them a small smile while thanking Kiba for doing my request, apologizing for my selfishness to which he responded not to worry about it.

After school, Sakura and I were greeted by our parents with a smile and a congratulations, dad ruffling my hair as Sakura was given a hug from mom.

"Let's go and have a celebratory dinner"

"Yes- let's go!" Mon and Dad each held our hands, the four of us happily going home.

As the day was ending, I sat at Sakura's bed chatting the night away, though she mostly did the talking since I do not really know what to tell her.

"Tomorrow is the assigning of teams! I sooo wish that I will be in the same group as Sasuke-kun!" Sakura squealed, rolling on her bed fantasising what's it like to be with it.

"How about you Suzu?" fiddling with the stuffed dragon my lap, I look up to her and nervously answered in a whisper.

"With you." I was almost suddenly tackled in a bear hug, her squeals now not about it but to how I was being 'cute' for a reason I do not know how.

I sat at my seat waiting for sensei, looking around relieved to finally see Uzumaki-san, my sister by the it doing the praising and flirting.

"Ahhh I can't wait to see who's gonna be with me in a team!" Kiba exclaimed, playing with Akamaru who was on his lap.

"Be patient Kiba. It's almost time." Shino said.

The said time came and everyone went to their seats, waiting for their names to be called.

"Alright! Stating with Team 1.."

"Team 7, Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura. And Uchiha Sasuke!"

I slumped on my seat not bothering to listen to whatever was happening, a bit sad that I couldn't be with Sakura.

"Aww don't worry Suzu! You might be with me or Shino!" I looked up at Kiba and nodded, waiting for the next team.

"Team 8, Aburame Shino, Inuzuka Kiba, and Hyuga Hinata!" Letting my face fall onto the desk, I puffed out my cheeks hearing Kiba laugh nervously beside me saying that it's okay.

Iruka sensei finished stating the teams, although I did not hear my name being called.

"Iruka sensei." He turned around as I tugged on his vest, looking at me in question.

"What is it Suzu?"

"Who's my team?" sensei looked like he just noticed that he didn't call my name yet and looked at the list he was holding and the one on his desk.

"Oh! The hokage asked to see you after I announce the team, shall I escort you to him?" shaking my head, I walked outside and jumped through the windows, running through the rooftops and landing on the entrance of the hokage's building.

I quickly went up the flight of stairs and knocked on the door twice, receiving a 'come in' making me enter.

Immediately as I did so, I come face to face with bandana who glared at me as to which I glared back, a small tension arising between the two of us.

"Ibiki, stop fighting with the child. That was not why I called her." the two of us stopped glaring at each other, the hokage beckoned me to his desk where a chair is placed in front of it.

"Now Suzu, you are curious why you don't have a team yet?" nodding, I sat at the chair and swung my feet nervously thinking I did something wrong.

"Well, since we do have an uneven amount of students this year, what do say on being under my wing for awhile?"


To be continued....


SURPRISE! What do you all think? Hehehehhe the idea kinda stuck in my head so I thought why not go for it?

So so! How y'all likin it so Farr? Do I see a shipping on board? Nah?

Well the-see you all in the next chapter and if you want to, please do





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