
247 14 1

3rd person's POV
Ibiki's forehead furrowed in confusion as he watched Inoinchi and the others stumble backwards away from the girl in front of them, the said nin leaning himself on the wall.

"Inoichi-! What happened?!"

"We were looking through her head when suddenly a lion-" Inoichi's statement was cut off when the stone binding the girl in place was broken, and the one they captured quickly launching itself through the ninjas blocking the exit, the immediate force causing them to fly away from the door.

The door itself now had a hole in it, making Ibiki growl and quickly deploy ANBUs to search and once again capture the girl.

The blue haired girl hid herself in the bushes of the park, concealing her chakra as she watched the masked ninjas pass by her and the children playing by the playground.

She waited until sundown, and as the sun began to set, she saw that there was no enemy in sight, so she went out of the Bush.

Cautiously walking and trying to blend in with the other kids, she looked around the area to see no ANBUs in sight.

About to walk away, she sees a crouched figure leaning by the tree. Thinking it was an enemy, she silently went and was about to attack, only to see a pink haired child hiding her face in her knees.

The blue haired girl did not know what to do- but strangely did not want to leave the pinkette all alone.

The crying girl looked up as she felt a poke by her shoulder, seeing blue eyes staring at her green ones.

"W-what do you want...?" she sniffled, wiping her eyes from her tears to get a clearer view of the person in front of her.

The said person tilted her head in question, not knowing how to say her question into words.

"Go away- leave me alone.." once again the pinkette hid her face in her knees, the blue haired girl thinking of a way to make the pink haired girl happy.

Standing up, the pinkette felt the girl beside her go away, tears slowly blurring her vision as she was once again left alone to cry.

Hearing footsteps nearing her, she looked up and once again saw the blue haired girl from earlier--seeing her holding a lollipop.

"Waaaahhh!! Mommy- somebody stole my lollipop!" the pinkette heard a kid cry, a small giggle erupting in her throat as she looked back at the blue haired girl in front of her, who looks like she's trying to give the lollipop to her.

"Did you seriously just steal a lollipop just to make me happy?" The blue haired girl nodded in reply, shoving the lollipop towards the pinkette.

Tears now dry, the pinkette took the lollipop and smiled at the new friend in front of her, patting the space beside her as she beckoned the blue haired girl to sit.

"Thanks.. I feel a lot better now. I'm Sakura by the way, what's your name?"

"...." Sakura waited but got no response, thinking the girl beside her was just too shy to answer.

"Aww don't be shy, I-"

"Sakura! Where are you, it's dinner time!" Sakura perked up and stood, dusting herself off and was about to run to her parents when she looked back at the blue haired girl behind her.

"C'mon! Let me introduce you to my parents!" grinning, Sakura dragged her friend to her parents, who smiled as they saw their daughter found a new friend.

"Mom, dad, I met her Today! Did you know she stole this lollipop from a kid awhile back? It was so funny!" Sakura's parents looked at their grinning daughter back to the blue haired girl in front of them, only to see further her condition.

Dirty white dress and recently healed wounds decorating her skin, a small bruise on her cheek, and ruffled, dusty hair.

"Sakura- did your friend go rough housing or something?"

"Huh? Well.. Now that you mention it.."

"Well that's no matter--we got to go and get her cleaned up! C'mon then children!" Sakura's mom gently beckoned the two to follow them, the family reaching their house.

"Come in now- we need to get you washed up, you too Sakura."

"But moooom.."

The blue haired girl watched the family interact with one another, although her attention going from them towards the Bell by their doorway.

"Hey let's- huh?" Sakura looked towards her friend who seemed mesmerised by the bell. Poking the blue haired girl who snapped out of it, she blinked once and looked at the pinkette beside her.

"Aha! Since you won't tell me your name- I'll call you Suzu instead!" blinking twice, Sakura accepted this gesture as an agreement. Grinning, she took the blue haired girl's hand only to be forcefully dragged away from her friend by a masked ninja.

"Keep your daughter away from her ma'am- she's dangerous!" Sakura watched in horror as she sees her friend being ganged up by the masked ninjas, trying to bind her in the ropes.

"Stop it! You're hurting her!" Sakura was about to run towards the blue haired girl when she was stopped by her dad.

"No Sakura-! Stay there!"

"Dad- can't you see they're hurting her?!"

"I know that but I-" Sakura didn't hear his next few sentences as she passed through her dad's form and ran towards her friend.

"Stop hurting my friend!" Sakura punched and kicked the legs of the ninjas in front of her, but did little to no damage, and was about to hit them again but was elbowed in the head.

The blue haired girl stopped growling and looked at the pinkette who, like slow motion fell to the floor with a thud.

"How dare you hurt my daughter you piece of-"

"It was an accident sir-! I-" all of them stopped what they were doing as they felt an immense chakra coming from the blue haired girl.

Turning their attention to the said person, they see glowing blue eyes glaring back at them, chakra slowly getting visible as she stood and stepped forward, the ninjas around her taking a step back.

About to attack them, she was abruptly stopped by a hand on her head, the immense chakra quickly disappearing along with the glow in her eyes.

"Child, you need to calm down."

"Lord hokage!"

To be continueeeddd.....

Heyyyyy readers! A double update on one day-! Whoop whoop!

I'm on fayaaaahhh

If you wanna, please Comment down below what y'all think of the story so far- is it good? Bad?

I can't wait to hear all of your opinions! >^<

Wellll stay tuned and see you all next time! If you want to, please do





Trigger {ALTERNATE STORY} Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora