[First Meeting]

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3rd person's POV
Cling!....... Cling!

"A bell..?"

An ice dagger finds it way through piercing itself to a cursed one's chest, the victim falling lifelessly on the ground, piling with the other dead bodies in the room, a small figure left alone standing in the middle.

"Yes! Yes my dear, bravo!" An applause echoed around the silent room along with a hiss of approvement, the figure turning around to stare at the direction of the sound with glowing blue eyes.

Making eye contact with a woman possessing white hair and pale pink eyes, the snake man beside him crossed his pale arms.

"Tsukiko, it's time."

"Aww, so soon?" her pout replaced itself with a maniacal grin, eyes dilating as she took out from her pocket a small, silver bell, the small sound it made caused the figure below her to radiate a strong chakra.

"Kira, remember the plan- go!" With the ring of a bell, the figure below them disappeared, the snake man grinning to himself sensing chakra signatures approaching their hideout.

"This will be fun." The two then disappeared out of sight, a small cloud of dust left from where they stood.


"Ibiki- we're here."

"Are you sure you saw him here? I do not sense any chakra signatures." a man with a bandana on his head exclaimed, looking at the ninja with a fox mask beside him.


"Split up and search for other exits there might be in his hideout, we can't let him escape." the ANBUs nodded at Ibiki's order, almost half of them disappearing beside him.

"Let's go."

Ibiki and the rest of his team continued to cautiously look for their target in the dimly lit cave, their only source of light was the torches stuck on the walls beside them.

Entering in a cross path, he looked and debated on which way to go, when suddenly the flames on the right path were extinguished, the ninjas now on alert, taking out their kunais.

Ibiki's attention quickly went to his left, as that path's source of light was also extinguished.

"Don't let whatever it is to put out the torches-" the bandana man turned around as he spoke, only to see that the torches behind him were now blown out as well.

"Tsk-!" he turned back forward in time as a shadow passed him, the flames on the last torches out of light.

All of them could not see and now depended on sensing the chakra of whatever was attacking them, one of the ninjas sensing the enemies' chakra immediately.

"Fire style: Fireball jutsu!" the ninja spewed out a ball of flame upwards, the light from the flame reflecting itself on some sort of crystal for a split second before creating a hole at the ceiling, a small light once again entering the once dark pathway.

"What the hell was that?" Ibiki muttered, quickly taking out a kunai upon hearing a strange roar echoing from the dark pathways.

"GRRAH!!" Ibiki dodged just in time as a clawed hand made an attempt to scratch his face off in the darkness, the ninjas beside him grunting in pain.

"Show yourself!!" Ibiki shouted.

From the light that shined from the hole in the cave, there did appear someone.

"Shadow style: Shadow possession Jutsu!" Their enemy struggled to get out of the Jutsu, growling as their glowing blue eyes glared at the person using the Jutsu binding them.

"Someone- quickly put her to sleep!" an ANBU agent nodded at the Nara, his hands forming signs ending with that of the ram, muttering,

"Feather Illusion Jutsu."

The enemy was then surrounded by the ninjas, all pointing their kunais still on alert as they watch the glow from the enemies' eyes disappear, before their body dropped with a soft thud.

"Bind her with the chakra restraining ropes- it's time to regroup with the others." Ibiki ordered, the ninjas nodding in answer.

"Yes sir."

"So no sign of Orochimaru?" the ANBUs whom dispersed earlier shaked their head, Ibiki sighing at their answer.

"Well we got this runt over here, she might know something of his whereabouts." Ibiki walked towards the asleep yet bounded enemy, the ninjas surrounding her gave space as Ibiki walked towards them holding a bucket of cold water.

Dumping it almost immediately on the suspects' head, they woke up with a start, staring afterwards at her captor.

"So runt, mind telling us where Orochimaru is?"

"..." Blank eyes only stared back at him in reply, Ibiki crossing his arms at her silence.

"You better talk, if you don't..I'll make you talk."

The ninjas dragged the small frame of the one they have captured, their body painfully meeting each step of the stairway they are dragged to, Ibiki knocking at the door in front of them.

"Come in." Ibiki opened the door and entered, followed by the ninjas behind him.

"Lord Third, the one we suspect to know of Orochimaru's whereabouts refuses to speak." Ibiki growled, pushing forward a a small wounded girl with blue hair, her eyes matching the same color that stared blankly at the person in front of her.

"Hmm.." Hiruzen blew a out a puff of smoke from his pipe, just in time as the girl dashed forward to attack, resulting for an ANBU nin pinning her to the ground.

"Shall I torture the answers out of her?" Ibiki grinned, the hokage shaking his head in reply.

"Take her to Inoichi. She may be with Orochimaru, but she is still a child."

"As you wish, Lord hokage."

"Ibiki, why are you making me interrogate a child? Did she steal from you or something?"

"Stop joking and do your thing Inoichi." Inoichi laughed a bit at Ibiki's answer, before going back to being serious as he and his team went inside the blue haired girl's head.

In her head.....
Inoichi continued to look around the girl's memories, only seeing dead bodies and how they were killed over and over, a memory once again about to play when a lion attacked him and his team from inside the enemies' minds.

"What is this-?!"

".. GET OUT!!! "

Inoichi felt himself slowly freezing, until he was thrown out of the mind he was reading, along with the others.

"And stay out!"

To be continued....


Hi everyone! So, what are your thoughts in the first chapter?

I hope y'all like it! >^<

Well- gotta get to sleep--see you all in the next chapter!

Don't forget tooooo




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