Chapter 24: Stupid rules

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Hyerim's POV

I was doing the dishes alone, since the others are fooling around, very loudly, and it doesn't feel like home anymore.

My apartment is rather quiet than this, but well, I enjoyed their company. It's good to have a squad sometimes.

"Need help?"

I turned to my right, and saw Namjoon standing next to me, looking at me with his sweet smile, and of course, dimples poking through his cheeks.

"Thanks," I muttered, as he gave me an assuring smile, before putting on his gloves and apron.

While we were doing the dishes, we talked about some random stuffs, sometimes laughing when Namjoon told me about his clumsiness.



"May I ask you something?"

"Sure, ask me anything.", I answered, rubbing the sponge against the last plate.

"How is it like to be a single mother?"

As I heard his question, I stopped doing the task, as I turned my head to the guy beside me.

"Oh! I-I'm sorry if my question is um, offensive to you. I d-didn't mean to," he apologized, as I proceeded with the dishes.

"Of course, it was hard to raise a child on your own when you were just a 15 years old teen, no job, no one you can ask for help, nothing. Actually, I almost give up.", I said, handing Namjoon the last plate.

He grabbed the plate, and rinsed it with water, before turning off the tap, as we both rinsed our hands with a yellow towel.

"What do you mean you almost give up?", he asked, as he sat in front of the counter.

I grabbed a glass of plain water for myself, as I walked up to him, and sat next to him, facing each other.

"I tried to kill myself,"

Namjoon's eyes widened, as his mouth hung opened, seems to be shocked of what he's hearing from me.

"Yeah, I did that. I tried to jump off this building, but then when I was standing on the railings, I looked down to my tummy. And I had this thought,"

"What would happen to the baby if I did jump off this building three years ago?"

"And that thought stopped me from doing such a thing, so I ended up doing multiple jobs everywhere, just so I can buy diapers, milk, and clothes for my baby. And I didn't even regret my decision to raise her," I said, as I darted my eyes to my daughter who is currently playing with Jimin.

Jimin looked up to me, as he gave me a smile, waving his hand at me, before went back on playing with Haerin.

"Now look at my daughter, she's so happy being around you guys, despite not having her actual daddy by her side."

I shifted my gaze back at Namjoon, who's staring at me in amusement. "Honestly, if I were you, I might not be able to make it this far.", he said.

"But I am actually glad that you did," he smiled genuinely, as I returned his smile with mine.

"Thanks, Joon. That meant a lot to me,"

"So, can I get my phone back now?", he said, as I chuckled, before running up to my room to get his phone.

I handed it back to him, in which he muttered a bright 'thanks' at me. "Anyway, I was thinking if I can have your number?", he smiled sheepishly, as he ruffled his hair, slightly embarrassed.

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