Chapter 7 | Enemies

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I watched him go and bared my fangs before whirling around and stalking back towards the house.

Damned mutt.

Once home I changed and marched down to my parents room. Not giving a damn what was going on I barged in and the door slammed open.

"Mom something is wrong with Alex." I said as she looked at me in bewilderment.

"What happened? Did he get hurt?" She asked and Alpha Kaden looked up from where he was filing paperwork on the couch.

"No. Something's wrong with his mind." I growled suddenly annoyed just thinking about it. "He's crazy."

"What are you talking about?" Dad growled and I gave him a scowl.

"I'm saying he's been ripping prey apart for years for no reason and now he's acting all batshit. He's fucking crazy." I snapped.


"He won't even talk to Jezebel." I growled ignoring the sharp bitterness taking over me.


"Jezebel is hismate." I gritted out and malice laced my words.

"Oh..." My mother said giving a look to Dad.

They shared a long stare probably communicating through a mind link.

"Well now you can focus on your mate; you should be happy for your brother." Dad said after a bit and I felt like I'd been burned but I hid it in and stood tall.

"I'm happy for Jezebel but I don't have a mate to focus on. Sheeba is in love with someone else... just like I was." Am. "We rejected each other." I said calmly and Mother gasped.

"When did you meet your mate?" She asked and I sighed.

"While at the Academy." I said and looked towards her.

"That's not the point though. I came in here because Alexander is talking and acting crazy."

"He's just mad. He'll calm down soon enough." Dad said and I sucked in a breath.

But he said we weren't brothers...

"Y'all know what? You're right. Bye." I said giving them both a glare and walking out.

If they weren't going to listen what was the point?

I begrudgingly made my way to my room and tried to ignore the anger burning up inside of me.

I laid in bed for hours, wallowing in my own self-pity. It was stupid of me to think Jezebel would be my Luna; my wife... my everything...

I mean what did I think was gonna happen? She was gonna jump for joy and be mine? Ha, I'm an idiot.

I rubbed my face with my hand and bit back a growl.

Take her. My wolf growled suddenly coming into the light and I scowled.

What? I replied.

Take her away. She is ours.

She is not ours.

I choose her as our mate. SHE IS OURS. Now get your ass over there and—

Shut the fuck up Chaos. I snapped blocking him out.

I rolled over onto my back and stared up at the ceiling.

I'm not sure how long I laid there or when I fell asleep but soon I was opening my eyes to see darkness. I checked my phone and my eyes widened.

It was eight o'clock... I'd slept a whole night and day away. I jumped up and stretched before rolling my shoulders and scrubbing a hand down my face.

I let out a breath and made my way out of the room. The hall was dark and quiet. I guess everyone had turned in early tonight?

I shrugged and made my way downstairs waving to some kids sitting on the couch watching a Disney movie. I looked at the screen as a dog went sprinting across before turning and going to the kitchen.

My muscles tensed as someone tapped my side and I nearly chocked on the hotdog I was eating. I turned curiously and looked down at a little girl with raven hair.

"Oh, hello Elizebeth." I said after I'd swallowed my food.

She looked up at me and squinted her blue eyes. "You got bigger." She said and I chuckled.

"So did you; last time I saw you you were like this tall." I said leaning down and putting my hand low to the ground.

"I was not that tiny." She gasped and I laughed and ruffled her hair.

"I know. Shouldn't you be in bed?" I asked and she shook her head.

"We're watching Lady and the Tramp two." She said and I chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Elizebeth asked tilting her head and I shook mine.

"Nothing. Go watch Scamp." I said and she giggled and skipped away.

I smiled and finished my food then walked back to the stairs.

My feet led me towards a different destination though, instead of my room.

I paused outside of her door; staring at the knob as my hand reached for it. I wondered how she was doing and what she'd done all day.

I took a deep breath and opened the door before walking in.

I'll update again when I can.



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