I looked down at my now cold coffee. I shook my head, making my way back to get a new cup.


"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked Andrew as he typed furiously. I sat on his desk and placed a cup of coffee in front of him.

"I was going to tell you last night but, you weren't home."

Yeah. I was off being a slut with my fiancé's best friend.

"Oh. What are you going to do if, you know.."

He sighed and looked up at me. "I dunno. Probably start from the bottom again. Try to get a job somewhere else. I'm fucked. Years worth of work just down the drain."

I jumped off his desk and made my way into his lap, grabbing his arms and wrapping them around my waist. He held me tight.

"Where you go, I go." I said moving my arms around his neck.

"Really?" He asked. I nodded.

"We've been partners since the beginning Andrew and well, losing my partner in crime would break my heart."

"Yeah? Seems I've got you wrapped around my finger huh?" He smirked and kissed my cheek. I giggled.

"So full of yourself."

He made a face and leaned in, kissing me. I kissed back, moving my fingers into his hair. There I was again. Cheating. Being unfaithful. Pushing the pain of guilt away as I smiled against hia lips.


I returned to the hotel later at about five in the evening. As I walked down the hall, I made my way to John's room and noticed a brunette girl walking out, fixing her skirt and bra straps as John gave her one last kiss, zipping up his pants. She walked past me as John froze, watching me walk over to him.

"Nice. Really classy Lennon." I rolled my eyes.

"I was just um..." he rambled on. I pressed my finger over his lips.

"Shut up and let me in." He nodded and opened the door.

The room completely messy. The bed unmade obviously, trash on the ground, food everywhere, the smell of sex and cannabis hung in the air. I leaned against the wall and bit my lip.

"Was she good?" I asked.


"In bed. Did she fuck you the way you like it? Did she let you give her bruises, bite down on her skin, does she suck your cock the way I do?"

"Nobody's as good as you are." He said walking over to me. I looked up at him.

"You're a bastard Lennon."

"Yeah? Ye wanna fuckin hit me?" He challenged with a smirk.

"Definitly." I said glaring at him. He grabbed my hand, moving my fingers into a fist.

"Go on then."

I smiled and instead, slid my finger over the bite mark I left him the other night on his chest. He looked down at me.

"Ye hate it when I sleep with other women?"

I nodded.

"As long as ye keep sleeping around with me mates, I'll stop fucking other birds."

I looked at him, completely surprised. "W..what?"

"I know about last night. You and Paul."

I winced as he slapped me across the face. "Don't ye for a fuckin second try to sneak past me again. Or next time, I'll fuckin finish what I started tonight."

He gave me another hit right across the face where Paul hit me the other night. I fell to my knees, holding my face in my hands. He walked away, slamming the bathroom door shut. I wiped the tears falling out of my eyes and stood up, making my way to the bathroom door.

"J...John. I'm leaving now. Have a safe tour." I said shakily. No answer. I sniffled and hurriedly grabbed my purse, making my way out the door. I swallowed and knocked softly on his door. It took a few seconds before he answered.

George rubbed his eyes, obviously just woken up from a nap. His hair messy, in just some shorts. His eyes widened as he looked at me.

"Lucy what happened!?"

"It's nothing. I could really use your company right now. If you'll have me." I whispered. He nodded, pulling me inside.

"Of course. Anytime love." He kissed the top of my head and closed the door, locking it. I smiled a little, already feeling better.


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