We exchange missed blows for a few minutes, with Archer occasionally telling me to adjust the stance of a leg or shift one or both of my arms if they drop, but neither of us actually get in a hit.

While fighting, I continue to gain information about Zac's fighting information, and learn some myself from observing him. After five minutes, I think I know how to get him down.

I punch to his left side, which he blocks. This causes him to slightly expose his right leg, being less grounded. I immediately follow the punch to his side with a kick, then spin, kicking towards the back of his right knee which he is unable to block. Zac stumbles, and I take my chance.

I roll to his right, sending a powerful roundhouse kick, before I flip over Zac and push his back, sending him to the ground.

I smile, proud of my achievement, while Archer steps closer to check if Zac is alright while attempting to pretend that he is not.

"That was... How?! That was amazing!" Zac says, getting back up.

"Well, I did say that I know enough," I say.

"Why did you spend so much time just exchanging blows with me?" Zac asks.

"So I could analyze your technique. You are much stronger than any human, so pure force just will not work, I needed to out-skill you," I explain.

"I should've known you were doing something when you kept returning the same hits, never trying anything more aggressive and also not getting frustrated like you usually do when you can't get something. You really are something. I don't really think you need help with self defense or combat," Acher comments.

"I second that, you're better than me, and I was considered qualified by both Alphas," Zac says.

"I have to get to the kitchen, see you guys later?" Archer asks.

"Yeah," I say, and Zac nods.

Zac seems much less quiet once he begins to interact with someone, and... breaks his shell? Gets his shell? Mor said it was something like that anyways.

"We could do punching bag drills," Zac says, looking away from Archers retreating figure.

"Sure," I say, and we move over to the bags.

We both work on combination drills, as well as some strength training which mostly consists of bodyweight exercises, in a peaceful silence. Unlike before, there is no tension and we are both more comfortable being next to each other even when we are not actively conversing.

After we are done, Zac walks away to who knows where, and I decide to go over to the daycare and see Mor since the patrol shift for Zac and I is not until much later.

I walk over to the daycare, and see many more people around since it is later in the day. Some of them are doing work while others seem to simply be conversing, reading, or using their cell phones.

A few people give me strange looks, probably due to the fact that they do not recognize me and I am a human, but most of the people wave, smile, or do not notice me at all.

When I reach the daycare, I see that the children and Mor are outside, enjoying the nice day, so I walk around the building to the area in the back where the children are playing.

I notice the group seem much smaller than the number of children I saw yesterday while making my way to Mor. Mor turns and sees me approaching, then waves me over.

"Hello," I greet when I reach Mor.

"Hey, whatcha doin' over here?" Mor asks.

"Well, I beat Zac in combat, so we just did drills on the punching bag as well as some bodyweight exercises. Now I do not have to patrol until later, so I decided to visit you," I explain.

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