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    After the war was over, the two clans waited a few months to announce the official end of the war. Jimin stood beside Jungkook as he walked beside Mark on stage to announce something very important to both clans. They tested the microphones before proceeding with what they were going to say.
    "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for gathering here today. I know most of you aren't comfortable with each other, especially because of the on and off conflict both our clans had for centuries, but we are here to announce something. After many hardships, we have finally decided to announce peace between the two clans. No more fighting. No more conflicts. This peace is all thanks to my partner, Jimin. You can save your thanks to him." Jungkook beamed, smiling.
    "Just as Jungkook said, our clans are finally going to achieve peace. We've also decided to recover the friendship that was forcibly broken by our fathers. We've wronged each other so much during these few years, so I hope we can change all the negative emotions we've felt towards each other for good." Mark agreed, making the entire crowd silent from shock.
No one in the crowd moved. No one even twitched at all. They just stood there in silence. Just as Jungkook was going to sigh, the crowd exploded with cheers. Everyone was so happy to finally have piece between the two clans. Jimin could tell that everyone was sick of fighting because of petty conflicts.
"Everyone! Let's all have a feast tonight! It's on me and Jungkook, so don't worry about paying. Just eat until you drop! We'll make sure to make up for all the days you spent starving with this feast tonight!" Mark yelled at the crowd, earning more cheers from everyone. Jungkook started ordering the food as soon as everyone agreed.
That night, they ate and partied until it was way past their usual bedtimes. Some even stayed up all night just partying. They relaxed and just appreciated everything they had. Everyone lost something in the war, even if it was something small. No one came out of the war without any wounds, even internal ones.
Jungkook's gang, Jimin, Mark's gang and Bambam and Yugyeom all gathered up in one tent to talk to each other and bond. It was quite squished in there, but everyone had fun. Jimin got to know all kinds of people that night. He also got to know the people of the Spirit Fox Clan.
Jackson was on the louder and extra side, along with Bambam and Yugyeom. It was the first time that Jimin saw Bambam not acting serious and cold. Even the normally serious Mark opened up and screamed with everyone else. It was quite a extraordinary night.
Jaebeom, Youngjae and Jinyoung mostly kept to themselves. They didn't let loose even in such a fun night. They weren't much different from the people in the Spirit Wolf Clan, so Jimin had no clue why they began their conflicts in the first place. Both clans were very sincere and kind. Sure, they both had their bad people, but that's normal in a large group of people.
    Ever since that night, both clans had no problems getting along with each other. Jimin was glad that they could finally see the true personalities of the people in each clans. He mostly spent his time with Jungkook, even if he was in his office filled with documents that needed to he signed.
    Yugyeom would occasionally make plans with him to hang out. The two of them got a lot closer because of the war. It was one of the good things about the war, that is, if there was good things. They both dropped out of college, mainly because they no longer had any reason to stay in college.
    It would always bring a smile onto Jimin's face when he saw Jungkook and Mark talking like old friends together. He knew what happened to them in the past, and it was truly a pity that their friendship was cut off for so long. Now, they finally had a chance to restore their friendship to what it once was.
    Yugyeom and Jimin both got closer to the people in their clans. None of them were marked yet, but they didn't mind. Although Jimin said that he hasn't forgiven Jungkook completely, he really has. He really couldn't stay mad and Jungkook for long. It was just something Jungkook did to him.
    One day, Jungkook blindfolded Jimin and led him into his garden. He knew how much Jimin loved the garden just behind their mansion, so he decided to surprise him there. Suddenly, Jungkook let go of Jimin's hand which made Jimin a tiny bit scared. He heard someone walking towards him, which gave him anxiety. That all went away the moment his blindfold came off.
    There, he saw Jungkook on his piano, playing a song he wrote in secret. "If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy? If our love is insanity, why are you my clarity?" Jungkook sang, making Jimin's eyes water. Jungkook didn't even get to finish the song before Jimin burst into tears of happiness.
     After Jungkook finished his song, he walked over to Jimin and held out his hand, which Jimin gladly grabbed. "Would you like to become my boyfriend? I know I should've asked this question sooner, but everything was so hectic that I didn't have a chance to, I apologize." Jungkook offered.
     Jimin answered Jungkook with a big hug. Everyone who was watching started applausing and congratulating them. All of them knew what kind of hardships the couple went through, and they were all happy that they would finally get their happy ending. It was well deserved.
    That night, their group of friends had a private feast together. All of them took it as an opportunity to get even closer to each other, if it was possible. They had cake and icecream for dessert, something that Taehyung definitely enjoyed a lot.
    Everyone watched a movie together, although it was mostly them being sick of watching Jungkook and Jimin cuddle. It caused playful arguments that no one took seriously and was meant to be funny. Jimin laughed a lot that night, which made Jungkook happy. It all sent shivers down their spine whenever Jungkook pulled Jimin into a kiss in the middle of the movie. Taehyung and Namjoon were particularly disturned by it.
    They complained a ton about it, giving each other a high-five in agreement. In the end, everyone was sick of their lovey-dovey behaviour and ditched them in the living room. They all went upstairs to play a board game and to get away from the affectionate couple. It was peaceful, and everyone was happy.
    "Aren't you glad that we can finally have peace between the two clans?"

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