Yoongi's Past

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Jimin woke up to the sunlight shining on his face, temporarily blinding him. He groaned and shut his eyes, reaching out to hug the nearest pillow, expecting it to be Jungkook. Instead, he was disappointed, feeling the pillow and thinking it lacked the warmth Jungkook had.
He hesitantly got up and got dressed, getting ready for breakfast...or rather, lunch. As he got everything ready and was about to open the door of his and Jungkook's bedroom, the door suddenly slammed open, making Jimin let out a loud squeak.
Jimin picked up a pillow, prepared to defend himself until he realized that the person opening the door was Yoongi, but with a broken leg. Yoongi's face wore an amused smile and waved with one of his arms before accidently getting off balance and faceplanting the floor.
Jimin rushed to help Yoongi get back on his feet, only to find out that Yoongi had stuffed pillows under his shirt so that he wouldn't get hurt. Enraged, Jimin took the pillow in his hand from earlier and smacked Yoongi with it.
    As Jimin left the room with his cheeks puffed up and red from anger, he ran into Jungkook. It took him a second to realize that Jungkook was in nothing but a towel. With the heat rushing to his face, he pushed him aside and bolted down the stairs to the kitchen to prepare his food.
    Jimin prepared his food and stuffed it in his mouth, finally realizing how hungry he was. Jungkook followed soon after and had properly dressed himself, still amused by Jimin's outbreak.
    Yoongi slowly went down the stairs as well, telling Jungkook he would be in the living room while they had their moment before winking. Jimin silently fumed and stuffed himself with his food to prevent the anger inside him from showing.
    As soon as Jungkook finished his lunch, he placed a kiss on Jimin's cheek and went back to the gym, continuing his training. That left Jimin with no choice but to join Yoongi in the living room, who was watching some weird anime in the middle of a war.
    Jimin plopped on the couch Yoongi was sitting on, startling Yoongi and making him spill his drink all over himself. Jimin laughed wildly at Yoongi's accident making him send a glare at him before wiping his shirt and grabbing his crutches to get a new drink from the kitchen.
"So, want to watch this show from the very beginning? This is the second season." Yoongi asked once he got back and got a new drink.
"Uhm, sure. What's it about? It seems pretty... how do I word this... um.... inappropriate." Jimin said, pausing to find the right words to say.
"Well of course it's inappropriate, it's technically a food hentai show except not very detailed. It's funny and entertaining, so why not?" Yoongi asked.
"Well, I'm not really into inappropriate shows. Can we watch another one? I recommend something like Erased. You'll probably enjoy it." Jimin said, switching the show to Erased without consent from Yoongi.
"I've heard of it. It's kinda like a thriller or murder mystery show, right? It has a lot of angst and violent scenes if I'm not mistaken." Yoongi assumed.
"Yeah! That's exactly what the show is! It also has a hint of romance and sensitive topics. I don't think you're bothered by it so this show isn't a problem." Jimin exclaimed excitedly.
    They finished the show in a flash, not realizing how much time passed during the time they watched it. All that was left was them complaining about how good the show was and how much it needed a sequel.
    "Ugh! That show is so good! I'm definitely going to rewatch that once we get this war over with." Yoongi groaned, disappointed about how short the show was.
    "You finally understand how I feel. Luckily, this is my second time watching this." Jimin said with a wink, causing Yoongi to send him a glare.
    They continued complaining on how short the series was while time went on. They didn't realize exactly how much time they've spent until Jungkook interrupted them by standing in front of them with two plates filled with fresh food.
    They stared at the food for a moment before realizing how hungry they were and grabbed the plates. While they stuffed their face, they claimed they were blessed by the holy lord with delicious food.
    After they finished thanking the holy lord and stuffing their face, they started a concersation with each other while Jungkook went out on a run in the garden.
    Their subjects got darker and more personal, asking sensitive topics about each other and answering them. The process repeated until Jimin landed on a particularly sore subject.
    "If you don't mind telling me, how did you meet Jungkook? You don't have to tell me if you're uncomfortable with it though." Jimin asked curiously.
"I'll tell you. You've become one of my best friends in a span of a few months and you've definitely earned my trust. You deserve to know." Yoongi spoke solemnly.
Jimin nodded before letting Yoongi tell his tale. Since Taehyung didn't have the best past, he guessed that Yoongi didn't have a good one either.
"I was abused everynight by my father. It started when I was 9 years old and continued for 3 years. My mother was an alcholic and was constantly wasted and bringing men over to our house. My father took his anger out on me." Yoongi said, pushing back the tears that were threatening to flow.
"What?! That's terrible! Do you still have you father's contacts? I want to give him a piece of my mind." Jimin gasped, making Yoongi smile slightly before replying with a no.
"Anyways, one day I tried to escape the hellhole that always reeked of alchol and sweat. I was caught by my father and beaten senseless. I had a black eye for a week and bruises all over my body. I bet the people around me knew I was being abused, but everyone was afraid to tell anyone." Yoongi assumed.
"What cowards! I wish I knew you when I was younger so I could've told someone AND give your father a piece of my mind." Jimin mumbled under his breath, not knowing that Yoongi heard him and held back a laugh.
"One day, Jungkook noticed my bruises and pointed it out. I told him I fell, but he eventually started noticing that I was covered with bruises all over my body. Not too long after that, he started insisting on going over to my house to help me with homework and stuff. I refused everytime but he wouldn't let me out of his sight. He was pretty determined to go over to my house no matter what I said." Yoongi said.
"No wonder he kept going after me even though I gave him hints that I didn't want him to go after me. He's really something, huh?" Jimin asked.
"Yeah, he is. That's why he's the leader of the Spirit Wolf Clan. Getting back to my past, he eventually forced his way in. The same day he forced his way in was also the same day that my father's shift ended early. He saw Jungkook and put up his 'kind father' act and watched our every move. When Jungkook excused himself to go to the washroom, he took advantage of it and started strangling me." Yoongi spoke in complete seriousness.
"What a shithead. I can't believe he actually swooped that low as a father and a person. I hope he rots in jail." Jimin fumed further.
"He already is. Anyway, Jungkook probably heard the sound of something hitting the wall outside the washroom and rushed out. Just as I was about to suffocate, he ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. He used the knife to slash my dad's back, aiming perfectly. He was only 12 and the time as well." Yoongi said with a hint of admiration.
"He really does have a talent in fighting doesn't he? He seems like he could take out a quarter of the Spirit Fox Clan by himself if he wanted to." Jimin squealed excitedly.
"Yeah, except he's not going to unless a quarter of the clan tries to do something to you. Getting back to the story, Jungkook called child protection services after and the police, resulting in my father getting a life sentence. He persuaded his dad to take me in and his dad agreed after a few days when he got sick of Jungkook asking him about it. I was welcomed into the family, but I asked not to change my surname. They didn't really care and agreed. I guess I got a lucky ending unlike a lot of other unfortunate souls." Yoongi said, smiling slightly.
"Wow, that's really nice of him! I'm now a lot more willing to be his partner the moment this stupid war ends." Jimin squeaked happily.
"Would you like me to make it happen now?" A voice asked. Jimin and Yoongi turned around to see Jungkook standing behind them with a smug smirk on his face.
"Shut up!" Jimin said in a jokingly manner as Jungkook pulled him into his embrace. They enjoyed each other's company for the rest of the night with a third-wheeling Yoongi.

I have 2 things to say:
1) phew this is the longest chapter I've ever wrote and I don't wanna do it again
2) happy new year!1!!1! Hope this year doesn't suck ass like 2018!1!1!!1

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