The Meeting

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Jimin sighed in class, not caring if the people near him stared at him. He dreaded meeting the 5 gang members tonight at the exact place Yugyeom was beaten. He had nightmares and had awoken to himself breathing heavily and sweating cold. The rest of the night was spent pacing back and forth in his dorm and going on his almost dead phone.
     By the end of school he was sweaty and tired because his last period was Physical Education. He wasn't prepared at all for another 4 hours of work, possibly 2 hours of homework and meeting the 5 gang members from yesterday at all.
    He dropped off his homework at his dorm and got into his uniform, ready for another 4 hours of torture. He sighed after every customer placed their order while he slowly made their food.
    When his shift was over, he quickly ran back to his dorm to attempt to finish his homework. 2 hours passed of trying to focus but not being able to. His mind wandered while many different thoughts ran through his head.
    He eventually gave up on trying to finish and ended up with half finished homework. He'll have a tough time explaining himself to his teachers the next day.
    As he stuffed his unfinished homework into his backpack and hesitantly walked outside and waited for the 5 gang members to meet him at that place. He might have to skip school tomorrow depending on what happens when they meet.
    As he waited, he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder which made him jump with fear. Startled, he tried not to show his fear although it was probably very obvious.
    He turned around to find the 5 gang members from the day before, the tallest one had his hand placed on Jimin's shoulder.
    The one who looked the youngest gestured for him to follow them. He walked behind them while being on edge the entire time. He didn't feel safe at all and felt as if they'll kill him as soon as they have the chance.
    They led him to a black limousine and gestured for him to step in. Jimin stepped in nervously. They drove him a few kilometres away to a luxurious bar. The bar was supposedly where a lot of rich and famous kids hung out and the alcohol there were very expensive with high quality.
    They led him inside and took him past the staff room to a secret place no one knew of. They led him to a room filled with leather and velvet material.
    The decorations all looked more expensive than the house Jimin's parents lived in. He bet a bottle of wine from this bar costed at least 300,000 won. He couldn't imagine himself buying alcohol that expensive.
    There was a long rectangular table made of marble and 7 seats. All of the gang members slowly sat down in each of those seats and the one who looked the youngest gestured for Jimin to sit near the seat for the person who would look the most important.
    The tallest member rang the bell and soon a butler came with a small glass of wine for each person, including the one person who hasn't came yet.
    Jimin nervously fidgeted with his hands. He felt as if he lived in a whole other universe. Everything in the room looked so luxurious and expensive. He bet that if he broke one item in the room, it would take him his entire life to try and pay back for it.
    He felt very awkward as well, as the gang members started a conversation with one another and laughed at one another casually. He was too shy to speak up and try to join in the conversation so he just sat there fidgeting and feeling uncomfortable.
    Suddenly, the tallest gang member appeared to have spotted something from the corner of the eye and turned around. Jimin assumed he was the leader since as soon as he stopped talking, everyone went silent.
    When Jimin turned around to see what they were looking at, he saw someone he never thought he'd see again.
    "Glad to see you could join us Jungkook. I know you've been busy and stressed lately so we brought someone who we thought could cheer you up." The tallest member said.
    Jungkook smirked his classic bad boy smirk and proudly said, "So you've managed to find him. As expected of the 5 best members of my gang."
     Although Jimin was scared, he felt butterflies in his stomache and thought his heart would beat out of his chest anytime now.
    'Why does it have to be him? How do I get out of here without getting killed? I don't wanna be in the same room as him any longer!' He thought as Jungkook sat in the seat beside him, the seat that was empty for the past 30 minutes and was the seat suited for a very important person.
    Jungkook slowly took a sip out of his wine and said something Jimin never expected he'd ever have to hear.
    "Everyone, introduce yourselves to Jimin. I expect all of you to get close and form strong bonds within these next 3 months. Give him your number as soon as you finish your introduction and make him seem as safe and welcome as possible. If you see any other members of the gang harrassing him, shoot them in the head without hesitation or torture them before kicking them out." Jungkook said confidently.
    Jimin would've never thought he'd still have a crush on Jungkook after so many years. He thought it was simply a highschool crush. Never in his life would he have thought that something like this would happen. He finally thought he was free from Jungkook's wrath after he graduated.
    He clenched his fist while taking his other hand and getting the glass of wine. He never liked alcohol very much, but he admit that the wine was pretty good.
    He had to find someway to get out of this mess, no matter what sacrifices he had to make.

Angel Meets Devil [jjk x pjm] Gangster AUWhere stories live. Discover now