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    Ever since Yugyeom managed to text him back, Jimin wasn't able to focus on anything. He was busy mentally thinking of plans and ways to bust him out without causing a huge scene. He would always seem kinda out of it. It worried Taehyung but he didn't do anything because Jimin always wanted to be alone.
    Jungkook reported back to Jimin the moment the attack at his base was over. Jungkook said that some were injured but no lives were lost which made Jimin feel very relieved. He was scared that he might lose Jungkook when he was attacked while in the base.
    Hoseok had left the day before due to him being all healed up and went back to the battle field. That left Jimin with only Taehyung by his side, and he could tell that Taehyung was going to leave him very soon. Taehyung was building up his strength at a rapid speed and is soon going to return back to the battle field as well.
    Jimin wants to spend his last few days with Taehyung before he gets sent to war again. Every muscle in his body agrees except for his mind. He clearly knows that he doesn't have much free time with Taehyung left, but his mind wouldn't stop stressing about the little things.
    Even Taehyung had to shake him out of his thoughts a lot more often these days. He could tell that Taehyung was feeling a bit lonely and neglected but respected Jimin's privacy. He felt bad for Taehyung, but his thoughts wouldn't leave him alone.
Jimin didn't know what to do. He knew he was hurting Taehyung by ignoring him and focusing on something else, but he was also worried about how Yugyeom was doing. The thought of Yugyeom being hurt makes him guilty even though he hasn't done anything to hurt him.
His thoughts were an endless cycle in his head that played on repeat for days. He started to lose sleep because of his wandering thoughts at night and would forget to do basic daily things due to his thoughts.
One day, Taehyung thought that enough was enough and dragged Jimin out of bed due to his dismay. He didn't look back for a second to see what Jimin's reaction was. It didn't matter how mad Jimin was at the moment, his health was deteriorating due to him being so distracted all the time.
    "You've been sitting on your sorry ass for days on end without doing anything. I don't give a shit about how mad you are at me right now, but I'm going to say this once, so listen carefully. If you don't start functioning like a normal human within... hm.. 30 seconds, I'm going to tell Jungkook about your behaviour, do you understand?" Taehyung snarled darkly, glaring at Jimin with a murderous intent.
    "Geez, I know that I've been really out of it these few days but you really don't have to come and threaten me about it. I can figure it out myself." Jimin huffed stubbornly, pouting cutely in an attempt to lower Taehyung's guard so he could escape his wrath.
    "Oh, and when was the last time you were actually able to snap out of it on your own? When Jungkook fell into a coma, Yoongi had to force people to shove food down your throat because you weren't eating. Yeah, he told me all about it. I can understand if you're out of it due to being in a state of shock, but I can't understand it if you can't even function anymore because of it. Being out of it is one thing, ignoring all signs of life is another." Taehyung scoffed sarcastically.
    "Alright, that's taking it a step too far. I can handle things on my own, I'm an adult, stop treating me like a child. Also, I actually can function like a human being even with these thoughts, just not as well as before. Don't bother threatening me with Jungkook either, he can't control my life. You think mentioning Jungkook would make me scared and listen to you? I'm not some naive kid, don't treat me as a joke. Who said I was ignoring all signs of life? I was just caught up in my own shit, not ignoring life in general." Jimin argued back, purposely mocking Taehyung.
    "Do you seriously think so little of your life? Do you think I'm purposely picking fights with you like this? No, I'm doing this because I'm worried about you. Jungkook may not control your life, but if you end up dying because of starvation, it would hurt him the most. You may not be a little kid or any of that sort, but believe me when I say that you cannot function by yourself when you're preoccupied with something. I'm not saying this because I think of you as a child, I'm saying this because you really can't. Stop acting like you can." Taehyung ranted, making Jimin speechless.
    Jimin couldn't say anything. He couldn't move. He couldn't think. All he could do was dumbly stare back at Taehyung after his huge outburst. He didn't realize how much this truly affected Taehyung until he said it himself. Since this was his first fight with Taehyung, he didn't know how to really react.
    Taehyung stormed out the room shortly afterwards. He was clearly very angry and was gonna take a while for him to calm down and fully be like the cheerful and funny friend that Jimin knew. Suddenly, Jimin felt a pang of guilt. He was ignoring Taehyung and his health because he was distracted by his thoughts. Because of it, he nearly lost one of his closest friends for a second time.
    Jimin waited for Taehyung to calm down so that he could confront him and apologize properly. He couldn't ignore the guilt that was eating him inside out. The whole time, Taehyung was just worried about him and he pushed him away like some kind of bother. Jimin has never felt so disgusted with himself.
    Later that evening, Jimin had took Taehyung's advice and starting eating normally again. Taehyung had walked downstairs to grab some food in the kitchen, but walked away as quickly as he could when he found out that Jimin was there as well. It hurt Jimin more than he thought it would.
    After he finished eating, he walked outside of Taehyung's room and knocked on his door three times. He waited for Taehyung to answer. When Taehyung finally decided to answer, he was shocked to find Jimin outside his door.
    "I know you're probably wondering why I'm here, but I have to apologize about something. I'm sorry that I was selfish and didn't care about how you felt. I intentionally pushed you away and hurt you. I feel terrible now that I think about it." Jimin mumbled, hanging his head in shame.
    "No, I'm the one who should be apologizing to you. It wasn't my place to judge if you could function or not and it definitely wasn't acceptable that I lost my temper at you. I'm sorry, I probably made you feel real guilty back there." Taehyung said sheepishly, obviously embarrassed.
    "So, are you willing to become friends again?" Jimin asked cutely, nudging Taehyung's side for effect. It made Taehyung shoot a playful glare at the shorter man.
    "Yeah, I'm a hundred percent down for that. Best friends, actually." Taehyung replied, offering his fist. Jimin understood instantly what he meant and placed his fist against Taehyung's as a symbol of their rebuilt friendship.

Angel Meets Devil [jjk x pjm] Gangster AUWhere stories live. Discover now