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    "Jimin, what the fuck are you doing here? Why aren't you in my mansion? You would be safe there! What are you doing out here in this camp?! Do you have any fucking idea how dangerous that is?! What if you died?! What the fuck would you do if you died?! Tell me, Jimin!" Jungkook yelled, losing control of himself.
    "Jungkook, please calm down. I'll explain this to you in just a minute. I'll tell you everything from the very beginning if you stay calm. I promise you that we've tried protecting him the best we could while he was here. Just please, calm down." Namjoon reasoned, desperately trying to calm him down.
    "What is there to explain?! I told you to make sure that he was at the mansion! Does Jin know about this?! Why the fuck haven't you told me about this?! I'm the fucking leader of this clan! Why can't you tell me something so important like this?! How the fuck would you explain this to me if he died?!" Jungkook yelled, exploding right in front of Namjoon. The surrounding children hid behind Jimin.
    "Jeon Jungkook! Shut the fuck up and let Namjoon explain already! Do you even know why he called you here in the first place?! He called you here to explain everything to you, so calm the fuck down already! You're scaring the children at this camp! I'm not some weak pet that you have to protect! I can very well protect myself!" Jimin yelled at Jungkook, releasing all the bottled up emotions he had.
    Jungkook immediately shut up after hearing Jimin's outburst. He didn't realize that Jimin had a scary side to him since all he's ever seen is his innocent side. He let Namjoon lead him to a tent where they could talk properly. Jimin went with them to keep Jungkook in his place in case he exploded again.
    Namjoon told him everything, right from the very beginning. Jungkook just sat there in pure shock and silence. Everytime he looked as if he was about to yell out something, Jimin sent him a glare that immediately silenced him. Namjoon sent a thankful look to Jimin, which caused Jimin to send him a small nod.
    Jimin made sure to spend a lot of time with Jungkook after the explaination. He knew that Jungkook was far from happy, so he wanted to change that. He was also starting to feel bad for yelling at him for worrying about him.
    They were running low on food at the camp, so Jimin took the opportunity to hunt with Jungkook. He took Jungkook by the hand and ran to gather his weapons. He handed Jungkook a sword and ran into the forest, causing Jungkook to run after him in worry.
    "Jimin! Where the hell do you think you're going? That forest is dangerous! You don't know what kind of shit thats in there—" Jungkook called out before he got cut off by Jimin. Jimin placed a finger on Jungkook's lips and sent him a wink to tell him that he didn't need to worry.
    On their way to the forest, they walked side by side. Somehow, their hands managed to find each other even though they weren't very happy with one another. They enjoyed the others company no matter how mad they were at each other the moment before.
    "Hey, Jungkook? I'm sorry for yelling at you like that. I just had a lot on my mind and I released my stress and thoughts out on you. I guess I'm just very emotional—" Jimin tried explaining before being cut off with a kiss. He felt his face heating up like crazy as he returned the kiss.
    "That's revenge for how you cut me off before. Also, you don't have to worry about me being mad at you for yelling at me. I'm sure you have your own problems just like I have mine. We're all human after all, we all make mistakes. Thats what makes us human. I'm fine as long as you're still alive and with me." Jungkook reassured with a smile, pulling Jimin into a hug.
    Jimin smiled and hugged him back. He didn't realize how much he missed Jungkook until he had the chance to actually be with him again. Their reunion started with a rocky start and wasn't ideal, but in the end, it worked out. They had the chance to be together again, even if the moment wouldn't last forever.
    Jimin broke out of the hug and dragged Jungkook into the woods. The first thing he did was find a deer and kill it. He wanted to prove to Jungkook that he wasn't weak like he used to be. When he managed to find one, he killed it within minutes. He looked back to see Jungkook with a face full of shock. He smiled in victory.
    He liked seeing Jungkook impressed about something he did. This time was no exception. He worked hard to become this skilled in hunting, and it's gone to good use. Now he can have Jungkook stare at him in awe. The thought of it made him smile.
    "Jungkook, do you mind helping me carry this deer back to the camp? Afterwards, we'll come back and hunt a few more smaller animals. Actually, you'll do the hunting. I'll pick some berries for the children to eat." Jimin decided, winking at Jungkook and started to pick up the dead deer.
    "Alright, but how did you become so skilled in hunting? It's only been a month and you're skilled enough to become a professional hunter. Damn, I shouldn't treat you lightly from now on. You've become strong, Jimin. I shouldn't baby you anymore." Jungkook praised, making Jimin smile happily.
    After dragging the deer back to the camp, Jimin let the children cut the meat and cook it. They went back to the forest to look for some wild hares to hunt. Jimin grabbed a basket to put the gathered berries in. He watched as Jungkook hunted the hares.
    After killing 4 hares, they went back to the camp with a basket full of wild berries and food. That night, they prepared a feast to celebrate Jungkook visiting them at the camp. Everyone had fun, whether they were old or young.
    The elders told the young stories of when they were young. The youngsters listened carefully to their every word. Jimin smiled when he saw them have so much fun. The rest of the adults just chat with each other about things that adults talk about. Jimin just stayed beside Jungkook and watched everyone.
    After they finished the feast, they continued talking and playing together. The elders finished their storytime and the children were now playing with each other indoors. Jimin on the other hand, went outside for some fresh air. Despite the ground being stained with blood, he sat down and looked up at the sky.
    He was soon joined by Jungkook, who handed him a couple of berries he gathered earlier that day. Jungkook sat down beside him and looked up at the sky. The two of them stayed silent and looked up at the sky full of stars. It was a wonder that they were alive in the middle of a war. Jimin wondered how many stars the humans have yet to discover.
    The stars in the sky were mysterious just like the two clans. Jimin had lots he has yet to learn about the two clans. Although they were mysterious and possibly dangerous, all of them were beautiful in their own way. Jimin reached out to hold Jungkook's hand. He loved watching the stars with the person he liked. He's always wanted to do it, and he got his chance to. The situation might not be the best, but that night felt like forever for the two of them.
    "Say, Jungkook. Don't you wanna stay like this forever?"

Angel Meets Devil [jjk x pjm] Gangster AUWhere stories live. Discover now