The glass bottom made a click noise touching the counter and then followed by his voice. "Sharp eight it is then?" He paused, listening to the other side while I just kept staring at his tired yet elegant face. "Yeah, sure." He held the phone tightly in his hand now-the hand which was occupied with the glass a second ago. Leaving my hand after hearing the other person's response he looked at his wrist watch. Ok, so you'll leave my hand for that person but not when I wanted you to? Ok then.

"Ok, I'll be at your place at eight sharp." Kiaan smiled, not before saying, "Right. Bye Kate." House? Who's house? Female? Male? No! She's a female. I mean, like Kate Middleton is a women and her name is Kate. Where's this Kate's William? But I wasn't going to ask Kiaan about it. Oh, I wouldn't.

I gripped the glass strongly as if it was that Kate's neck, dropping it on the sink with a thud-not breaking it-on purpose to gain his attentions I filled up my bottle.

"Everything ok?" I heard Kiaan's voice from the stool. I turned around walking out the kitchen into the bedroom just nodding my head at him. "I'll be leaving around fifteen minute early tomorrow." He informed walking behind me.

"Cool." And that summed up how interested I was. The conversation died right there, or rather an awkward silence filling up the bedroom. I let my bottle settle on the desk and opened the large window in front of me, letting the cold fresh air inside.

"Umm," I heard his shuffling around the room. Probably putting his files away and taking his clothes out from the cupboard. "How was the meeting? With Jacinda." He questioned before I heard the cupboard door shut.

"Good." I replied, opening up the curtains fully to let the sunshine in for a moment.

I heard his sigh in defeat. "Look, I'm sorry. But grandma can't come. Sh-she's g-got a weak heart." He stuttered a little like it was hard for him to talk about this. I nearly forgot about this. I was angry about Kate but oh well, he reminded me. "She can't travel in his age. The flight distance is too much Jaanvi and she's old with problems."

He's right. I let my teeth chew onto my inner cheek to stop myself from saying anything to hurt or offend him just because I'm sad. "We'll meet her. I promise. We could go once the baby is one month old or something."

"You know everything negative and wrong is happening to me." I wasn't shouting but I raised my voice enough for him to understand the message on how terrible I felt. "i-i-what if I'm told not to travel for a couple of months?" I turned around to see his giving up face. He looked to terribly down like he's ready to run away from me and my problems in any minute.

"Then we'd figure something out, there are options ok?" His deep voice was balancing the emotions well but the hint of frustration was lacing around his whole face. His eyes for sure. "We'll go. I promise we'll see her. It's not impossible." He gave me a look, walking into the bathroom.

"Ok." I whispered pouring out my tension through my tears. It's not impossible. I hope he's right.


"Do you want to meet Jacinda again?" My lips halfway from sipping the water moved away. I glanced at Kiaan to my right to see him typing something on his laptop.

"Oh, um." Do I? The meeting today was intensely fit inside my head. I still needed time to wrap the whole situation in. "Yeah, umm, maybe next Thursday?"

"You're willing to wait for six to seven days to see her? I could book in Tuesday?" He snatched his attention from the device to me. His eyebrow was raised up in such a form to show he's worried. He didn't look too convinced.

"Yes. I just want to do things b-before going back to her. I'm bored of talking just about my problems. I want to talk about other things." I looked down at my fingers with a straight face.

"Ok, makes sense." He seemed to trust me with this. "Do you want to talk to me about something?" He asked after a long comfortable silence. I was laying down on the bed down, looking up at the ceiling but moved my gaze to him. He looked away from his screen to me.

"I don't have anything to talk about." I really didn't have anything to say or tell.

"Ok." He passed me the best convincing smile he could ever give to someone when he was hurt or disappointed. Nodding his head Kiaan shut down his laptop and laid down beside me.

What do I say? "You're going to be twenty-eight soon." I whispered, hoping this would cheer him up and it did. He let out a deep chuckle that rumbled through his chest. He turned his body towards me, watching the right side of my face since I was looking at the dark ceiling,

"Are you worried that I'll be hitting thirty soon?" His tone showed how delightedly he was waiting for a straight forward answer from me. "Would you be embarrassed introducing your thirty-year-old husband to your friends?"

"Are you embarrassed that I'm carrying your child?" His humour didn't reach me, I don't know why but it didn't even though I wanted him to laugh. I kept my emotionless face on the ceiling, gulping hard waiting for him to speak. Kiaan firmly gripped my arm in order for me to look at him.

"Are you crazy?" He raised his voice to the level he does when he's going nuts. "Why would you say that?"

"You're going around telling your friends how I'm crazy and have to see a therapist but you won't tell them that we're expecting. Why? Is it that bad?" Reyansh's words were still stuck in my head. 'Doctors? Is everything ok?'

"Weren't you the one who's so unsure about it? You're so confused and turned me the same that I've lost the ability to confess the truth to my family or my best friends." He shouted digging his fingers into my arm and I just kept looking into his eyes. "Fine I'll tell them and if you change your decision and think 'Oh I don't want a kid,' what will I say to our families? My friends? That the baby just vanished!?"

Now how do I change the topic? Because I know he's right. I divert my eyes from him, staring at the dark curtains. "Should you be sleeping? Need to pick up Miss Kate from her house or something, don't you?" I snarled.

"So you're jealousy that's why you were reacting like that?" He realised. He left my arm but I know he kept looking at me. "Why do you get affected so easily?"

"Why were you so pissed and acting like an angry lion when my friend liked my posts on Instagram then?" Rings a bell?

"T-this is work." He said after thinking of a good comeback. I know he's for sure not cheating on me, he can't. If he was he wouldn't take care of me or try to bring the normal me back but I'm jealous ok? I'm having a bad mood and I can't control it.

"And that's my private life. Just let me sleep." I threw my face under the covers to hide myself from his eyes. This was the last conversation we had before falling into a deep sleep.

Married My Enemy

I'm finishing off the 99th chapter in few minutes so wait up.

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