"I know, I'm sorry." He sobbed.

"No, you don't know. You didn't know about how he nearly killed himself by jumping off a bridge. You didn't have to hold him and hear him scream he hated you because you kept him from being with her. You don't know how he still wears her scarf around his wrist and has tantrums when he doesn't wear it or you try to take it off of him. You don't know what I had to go through just to be this close to him. You don't know how much this hurt him, all you did was sit her and rot away. No wonder Kellin hates you, I would too." I scolded him and exited the house.

I closed the door and tried to calm down before Kellin could see me. I laid against the door, letting my head rest against it.

I can't believe what I found out. My mind was racing a thousand miles per second. How could he not tell anyone about what happened? That's the most valuable information that could've helped Kellin. Maybe he could've or can come to peace with knowing that the person who killed his mom will be in jail.

I don't know though. I would hate for him to have to relive everything. I don't know what to do, how come things can't be easy? I lean up and push away from the door, I look at the pictures in my hand. I can't tell him. I try to clear my head and go to the car. I sigh before opening the door and getting in.

"What's wrong?" I asked Kellin who was wiping his tears. He must've been crying because of having to deal with his dad. It was my fault he had to deal with that monster. He didn't want to go, but I made him.

"Nothing." He sniffled.

"Kellin-" I tried to apologize but he stopped me.

"Just drop it Vic. I just want to go home." He spoke loudly.

I didn't say anything in return, I was too hurt. I always end up making him cry at everything I do. I handed him the pictures and he snatched them away. I looked away from him and took out the keys to start the car.

I backed out of the driveway and onto the street. We rode in silence, I would throw glances his way. He had his arm laid out against the door and was laying on it. His eyes were closed and I could hear his light, steady breaths.

We were nearly home when we passed by Tony's house. I wanted to stop but voted against it. I just wanted to go home, not Mike's house home, but home home.

"Kellin?" I called his name but he didn't answer, just continued sleeping.

I slowed down and turned around carefully, going back to Tony's. I knew Mike would still be there, he was practically living there. I pulled up on the side of the road in front of the house. I kept the car running so that maybe Kellin wouldn't wake up. I got out, closing my door softly and made my way through the yard to the house. I knocked on the door and waited for it to open, looking back at a sleeping Kellin.

"Vic!" Mike shouted opening the door.

"Hey." I stepped into the house and hugged him.

"What's going on? Where's Kellin?" He asked as he closed the door.

"He's outside, sleeping. It's been a long day. I was just going to take him back to Utah." I shrugged.

"Oh, but why so soon?" He maneuvered around and went to the family room where Tony and his sister were.

"Hey Vic." Tony said, standing up to hug me.

"Hey." I hugged back and turned back to Mike. "I just want him to be with Tyler. He and I, we're just, I don't know." I sighed and plopped down on the couch.

"What happen?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, you guys were fine earlier. You aren't breaking up are you?" Mike seemed freaked.

"I'll be upstairs." Casey announced, standing up and kissing Mike before climbing up the stairs.

"No, we're not breaking up. It's just that I don't think I'm good for him. I'm not what he needs. Everytime we're together he's always cautious and looking at his wrist, the scarf. The scarf, he doesn't even take it off, I mean at least I haven't seen him take it off. I don't think marriage will change anything." I felt so unfit as his partner I began to cry. "And what's worse is that him being with me makes him think of his mom." I sobbed, thinking about what his dad told me.

"No, he's just still going through a hard time." Mike tried to comfort me.

"No Mikey. How long will the hard time last? It's been forever. I just make it worse, especially after today." I replied.

"What happened today?" Tony who had been silently listening asked.

"His father," I paused. "You can't tell him." I couldn't just tell them without knowing for sure kellin wouldn't find out.

"Okay, we won't." Mike stated and Tony node in agreement.

"Okay, well his father told me what happened to his mother. Kellin was in the car and I just wanted to speak to his father. I didn't know he would tell me that." I couldn't believe i was about to tell them this.

"What happened to her? I miss seeing her." Mike said sympathetically.

"He killed her." I said silently.

Tony scooted to the edge of his seat and looked at Mike. Mike looked from me to Tony and gave me a questioning glance.

"What happened?" Tony asked.

"He killed her." I said louder. "He was the one who hit and killed her." I tried to fight back my tears.

"He didn't. He couldn't have." Mike denied.

"He did. He admitted it, Mike. He followed her while he was drunk. He admitted to swerving into the side of her." I was in a pool of tears now.

"How do you think Kellin will take this?" Tony asked.

I wiped away my tears. "He can't know." My voice filled with anger and fear. "He can't, this will destroy him."

"You can't keep this from him." Mike pointed out.

"I can and I will." I stood up and headed to the door. "We're going back to Utah and only you two will know about this. Don't say anything or so help me." I fumed.

"We won't." Tony replied quickly.

"We promise." Mike added. I see that my authority of them from high school was still there.

"Okay." I felt relieved some. "we're leaving today, well now. I'll talk to you guys later. I have to go before Kellin wakes up." I hugged them both and Mike patted my back.

"I love you, bro. Don't stress yourself too much." He called after me.

"Okay. Bye." I waved to them as I went out the door.

I looked out to the car and saw Kellin still sleeping. I sighed and made my was towards it, opening the door and getting inside. He shifted when I closed the door, but he didn't wake up.

I looked at him, I absolutely adored him. I hated myself for knowing what happened. Why couldn't we have a normal relationship? I pulled up to my parents' house and said my goodbyes, dad just scolded me. The lay stop I made was to Mike's to get me and Kellin's things. I placed them in the car, mostly in the back. I was thankful that Kellin was a heavy sleeper.

On the drive back to Utah, my mind continued to wander. What if he ends up truly loving me, but when he finds this out, it'll make things worse. What if he found out that I knew, he'd hate me. I can't let this happen. I looked at his beautiful head lay there on the door.

"I'm only doing it for your own good." I whispered and started to cry.

A/N: Should I do a chapter countdown?

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