|19- Seek- Red|

305 53 17

S E E K- R E D!


Secret or seek-red




The school had already gotten over today. The time had passed quite fast today. The principal had announced the surprise during the second lecture which resulted in a huge chaos during the break. The effing mind blowing surprise as it was termed by Swara was that our school had arranged a grand party in order to celebrate its silver jubilee.

It was going to be held maybe in two weeks from now during our holidays. Strangely I hadn't even seen Laksh even during the break as he was busy spying, apparently they had some same classes which would have made the work easy.

Swara was super excited for the party, as she strongly believed that it was going to turn lives, like seriously?

Sanskaar had decided to ask Swara out soon, for the party as well. The Gay Mission was on full swing, as it was getting more and more interesting. I had discovered a note in my locker which was addressed to HeartyLove, so apparently the person whoever it was already knew about me and my this secret. But the content of the note was what made me extremely shocked and how much ever I hate it, it did make me a little scare.

The note was the proof, that completely affirmed the fact that I was being watched too, as if that person wants me to search him for his own benefit. Moreover how that person identified my locker code was beyond me, I mean only Laksh and I knew it The note was printed hence handwriting identitification was utterly useless, it said:


How are you? I personally hope that you are fine afterall I want you to win this challenge. I have seen how you have started being cautious with your activities in the college, yet sadly you are going on a complete wrong path. So I decided why not make this game between us more interesting? Every note I will send you will have a clue, a clue to reach me. And if you don't get them too, well then your loss princess.

Oh by the way, the clue is already said and told. Its hidden somewhere. I wish that you aren't so dumb, but we never know.

~Your prince.

The only words that caught my interest were princess and prince, but I wasn't able to connect anything as of now as I badly wanted to meet Laksh and maybe, talk to him?

My other friends were acting so crazy after the announcement, they along with Swara had plans for shopping and parlour, already and I was included much to my dismay.

About the note thingy, I decided to tell them soon, but not today.

As soon as I reached the exit of the school I spotted Laksh leaning his car, engrossed in his phone. I went towards him to ask him about the person he is spying over.

"Hey," I said, awkward.

Raising his eyes from the phone, he looked at me and smiled.

"I was waiting for you, late today?" he said observing me.

"Yeah, the principal had some instructions regarding heartylove,'' I whispered. I didn't want to turn our conversation into a serious one so I decided not to raise the note topic. It can wait.

"Oh, is something wrong?" he asked worried.

"Nah, everything's fine, by the way why did you stay back waiting for me?"

"Sanskaar had his football practice, so he asked me to take you home."

"Oh,'' I smiled at him.


"Do you want to eat something?" I asked keeping my bag on the sofa. On our way back home Laksh told that Harman was innocent and that he was not the culprit, so we cut him off the list. Tomorrow it was Sanskaar's turn to observe Rishi's movements.

I had invited Laksh inside once we had reached home. I wanted to talk to him, yet I wished he made the first move. I seriously didn't know why, usually I have always be upright and spoke anything that came to mind but with him I was cautious not to blabber anything to him as I did last time which ended up me admitting my crush to him.

"Yup, I want coffee for sure and to eat, you make whatever you want. I am very hungry,'' he said comforting himself on the couch.

"Mister you need to help me, come here," how much ever I loved to cook I wasn't doing it alone with him resting nicely.

"I don't know how to cook," he pouted cutely. Him pouting was extremely *cough* sexy *cough* which rose tingling sensations in the pit of my stomach.

"I don't care, I am not cooking while you rest, so put some pressure on you oh- not so precious feet and come here.''

"This is how she treats a prince,'' he muttered jokingly.

I gave him a stern look and rose my eyebrows, " I am coming ma'am."

"So you okay with white sauce pasta?" I asked hoping him to say yes.

"You love pasta, don't you?"

"Yes, I do. A lot," he smiled and nodded his head in an affirmative answer.

I quickly kept some water to boil on the stove, while I searched for the packet of pasta in the cabinates but I wasn't able to find it in the lower one. And like those cliché romantic cheesy movies Ma had kept the packets on the highest shelf possible, but here neither I was the heroine nor Laksh the hero, not yet.

How Lovely!!

So during this extremely cheesy scenario my crush started laughing and decided to make fun of my height.

"Tsk tsk, so short aren't you?"

"I am 5'6 okay? I ain't short, not everyone is a giant like you!"

"So I am a giant?" he said moving closer to me.

"Yes." I couldn't move any further as I was already pinned to the slab.

"Am I," he again asked moving closer.

Darn. I was stuck, again.

"Am I?" he again asked but now he was way closer to me.

"Ye-yess," I fumbled.

His facial features were easily noticeable, not that we haven't been closer like this before but the previous times we both were engaged in some sort of activities, that involved lips and blushing.

You get it, right?

His brown eyes appeared darker and bigger, his eyebrows chiseled to a perfect shape, his lips pink and his dimples gracing his face.

He had caged my body with his hands on either side of my body, leaning towards me his smile widened seeing me blushing and gulping.

"So you think I am a giant?" he whispered into my ears, my cheeks turning into a darker shade of red. This proximity resulted in the eruption of some unusual feelings and sending chills throughout my body. Our this small moment was broken by the door bell.

I heard Laksh swear under his breath while I went to open the door.

Expecting Sanskaar to be at the door I come across a delivery person with a large bouquet of red roses with an envelope placed at the top,

Seeking Red,

How was it???❤️❤️

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