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K A P O O R 'S


R A G I N I:

"So starting with the basics, remove the top slowly and steadily, then the bottom little faster than the earlier one. Now, always be prepared with the protection as the liquid may leak out and it can be hot. After that is over, you are ready to pour the steaming hot liquid on the base for garnishing. You are getting it right?" My mom for the nth time asked.

"Yes ma."

How my mom comes up with the ideas to spend a girls day out every month is weird. No not the idea but the places we spend these day out definitely are. Today, on a Sunday I may add she decided to take me to her restaurant so that she could teach me how to prepare a sizzling hot brownie.

We first prepared the brownie and kept it for cooling sticking butter papers on their side of it. Apparantely it gives the brownie a perfect shape. She taught me to remove those papers and prepare the hot chocolate syrup for garnishing. The sizzler plate was prepared by her while I carefully observed it. My mom was very particular about hygiene, hence every cook was given a set of gloves, head cap and apron. The whole kitchen was sanitized every day with soaps kept near the sink along the dishwashers. I also was a victim of her habit. Yes I also wore everything mentioned above except the soap. Ofcourse.

"Ragu, this Laksh boy- "

"Ma, I ain't talking about Laksh anymore."

To say that my mom was way too fascinated with the masculine creature who graced his presence at my house nearly two days ago, would be an understatement.

Since the time Laksh stepped out of our house's gate Ma hasn't stopped talking about him. She kept on saying that she had seen him somewhere and also that he was [is] very hot and that I should date him.

Speaking of that, I hadn't even spoken to Laksh about the oh-so-great moment we shared in my secret room. I wasn't dumb yet I needed him to clarify again that what he said was true. Tomorrow was a big day for all the students as a 'surprise' was going to be announced for all of us. It was already summer around the corner which meant we would be having our break soon. I so wanted that.


"Oh please! You finding HeartyLove is next to impossible so I would rather wish that this heartylove for which you are going all mad, reveals herself so that you can still have a chance of standing for the farewell jr. queen. And we very well know that how many votes you will get right?"

"You don't get to speak to me like that Ragini. Don't forget you are messing with Kavya.

"Oh puh-lease. Give me a break, did you actually think that insulting me here in the canteen in front of the whole damn school would make you look godly? So let me break your bubble Miss Kavya you don't know the consequences of messing up with Ragini Kapoor. And trust me that can be dangerous," I spitted out.

What was she actually thinking, when she called me fake and also killed my food tray by deliberately pushing me while I was holding a plate full of pasta. White sauce.

Did she actually think she would get herself away once she murdered by beloved.

"Speaks the one who is being played by a player herself. How does it feel to know that you are going to be dumped soon?"

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