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Peter wiped the tears from his eyes as he stood at the podium. His hands shook, as his mind was racing. Memory after memory with these beautiful people who ended their lives. He took a shaky breath and got his speech ready.

"Today we are gathered here to mourn the death of not only 1 but 2 amazing people. Today we are gathered here to mourn the death's of Cupcakecat4321 and whitewolf134. As many of you know, or many of you don't, Cupcake took her life on 3/31/19 and WhiteWolf took her life on 11/23/18. They ar- were both very loved and still are and it hurts so badly that they took their lives, Lily was supposed to do this speech but she.... She can't so I will."

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't know them well, I loved them both so much, and I know all of you did too. All of you. It's so sad and such a huge shame that their both gone, but I know that they are up their watching, writing, what ever they loved doing, their doing it. But I know for sure that they are writing with the gods right now and that they are happy"

"When I first met them I was nervous but I made quick friends with them. I loved the stories they would write about me and my crazy family, and I surely won't forget them. I won't give up, never, I will continue on and I won't let their legacy die. I refuse for it too."

"They where like family so it hurts so deeply that they couldn't talk to us more about it but I know that they are in a much better and nicer place now. That no matter what, they will always be in our hearts. I give the microphone now to Lillith. Thank you."

Peter stepped down as his dad, Tony and his mum, Pepper, pulled him into a hug.

Cupcakes and Whitewolfs fandoms all watched, tears running down their faces, as they confronted each other. Their favorite ships comforting each other.

Lillith stood at the podium as she took a deep breath and smiled.

"I go back to our old conversations,
Remembering all our silly moments,
Remembering all the good times,
Even the bad,
I'll smile everyday,
Even if it kills me too.
I'll smile in honor of you,
Cause I know you would do it for me too.
I know you'll be smiling down on me and while I write more chapters,
And I know you'll smile down on me while I try to save more people,
And I know you'll smile down on me cause you promised me to smile, and I promised you to smile.
It may hurt standing up here with neither of you,
But I'll make it,
I'll live,
Even if it kills me inside,
I'll smile everyday to remember you.
I love you CupCake and WhiteWolf,
And we'll meet in a few years.
It may take a while,
But we'll meet again."

With that Lillith stood off the podium and got pulled into a hug from Natasha. She kissed her forehead and whispered comforting words into her ears as she cried.

The caskets with their body's where lit on fire. They cried as the burning caskets where put in the ground, the rain stopping the fire. They grabbed a handful of soil and threw it into the holes.

Eventually everyone except Nat, Peter, and Lillith left.

Nat and Peter waited in the car as Lily fell to her knees sobbing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry that I couldn't save you both. God I'm so freaking sorry." She had tears running down her face as she let out a pained scream rip through her throat.

She hugged herself as Cupcake and Whitewolfs spirits watched sadly. They put a hand on her shoulder, and smiling at her. She looked up at them and smiled as they disappeared.

She took a few minutes to get her breath back and got up, wiping away the dirt and walked towards the car as the rain lightened and the sun came out. A rainbow stood over their graves.

Lily got in and smiled at them before Peter pulled her into a hug.

"It's gonna be ok." He said.

"I know, it hurts but it will get better. I know it." Lily said.

Natasha put a hand on her knee and squeezed it while her other hand was on the drivers wheel, driving the car.

"You'll be ok and remember, we're always here for you." Nat said looking at her for a split second and smiling. Lily smiled back as she put her attention back on the road.

"I'll be ok."


So this chapter was a chapter that I wrote in April and stopped after I realized cupcake didn't really die. It was going to be a chapter that honored both cupcake and WhiteWolf but when I realized cupcake had just pranked us I just let this chapter rot.

But recently Cupcake either left or she killed herself and I don't know 100% but her last words to me where.

"Goodbye. Smile for me?"

And that's why I talk about smiling so much in this chapter.

Because those where her last words to me at 7:17 pm yesterday night and I wish I wish my sister hadn't gotten in trouble causing our dad to check her phone and cause me to get scared he'd check mine.

Making me delete Wattpad and now I just, I feel like I could've done something, that I could've saved her.

But just for her, I'll smile, I'll smile everyday no matter how much pain I'm in, for her.

I'm sorry I could've saved you Cupcakecat4321  love you.

Remember: it's okay to not always be ok,
And I'm always here to talk with you.


Posted on: 5/23/19

Word count: 994


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