🥀Catch Fast🥀

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"How come Clint can't catch shit but can hit a fly from 100m away with a bow and arrow. Like even if you yell think fast or catch! He can't catch." Peter wondered.

Tony left the room to get something.

"It's because he's deaf." Nat said, as the others laughed.

"Hey Clint!" Rhodey yelled as he walked in, Tony in tow.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Think fast!" Tony signed, as he then threw a granola bar at him. He didn't catch it, but his face did.

Everyone laughed as Peter fell on the ground tears in his eyes. Hela had recorded the whole thing and posted it on YouTube.

Clint laughed along as he opened the granola bar and ate it.


Real friends laugh with and at you. Fake friends only laugh at you. Because real friends wouldn't purposely hurt you if they knew you couldn't take it or you wouldn't laugh. Choose your friends carefully.

Love you my Demons

Remember: it's okay to not always be ok.

Live Laugh and Cry

Posted on: 5/9/19

Word count: 180


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