🥀Disney Land🥀

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It was a nice day when the Avengers decided to go to Disney land. Yay right? Well let's just say Cap might have gotten lost. Bucky's (Lol Buckets) metal arm was covered in cotton candy and a few other things.

As the Avengers walked into Disney land they stayed in groups.
Tony and T'Challa with Peter and Shuri. Group A
Natasha Clint with Steve and Bucky.  Group B
Bruce Thor and Loki.  Group C
Wanda and Vision Group D
Sam Scott and Rhodes Group E

Group A:

As Tony and T'Challa slowly spinned and talked to each other on the tea cups at the mad hatter, Peter and Shuri zoomed (Yeeted by) past them not slowing down but getting faster. Tony just laughs and takes a picture of the 2 zooming by as he and T'Challa just went slowly.

 Tony just laughs and takes a picture of the 2 zooming by as he and T'Challa just went slowly

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Group B:

A little girl walked up to Natasha as Clint Steve and Bucky got there balloons and asked.

"Are you Princess Ariel? You have very pretty hair"

"Thank you sweetheart and yes I am. But you want to know a secret" Natasha said crouching down to her level.

"What?" The little girl asked excited.

"You are the real princess. No matter what people say" Natasha said.

The girl smiled and hugged her. They took a picture together and then the girl went to her mom telling her everything. The mom just smiled at her.

Then Steve got lost so they took a half hour looking for him to find him getting his face painted. Than the rest got there face painted. Somehow Bucky got cotton candy all of his arm but he just ate it off.

Group C:

As Thor Bruce and Loki walked by a sword exhibit Loki smirked,

"Hey Thor I bet you can't lift that Sword" Loki said with a smirk.

2 hours later

"Thor it has been 2 hours leave it." Bruce said texting Tony and taking a picture of the struggling Thor and laughing Loki.

"But I must be worthy!" Thor said as he stepped on the stone and pulled with all his might on the sword as it didn't budge.

Group D:

Wanda and Vision went on the love boat and shared a kiss under the heart, a few people taking pictures. Wanda used her magic to take a picture and to remember this moment.

Group E:

Sam Scott and Rhodey rode almost every single ride in the Park.

Except one.

Splash. Mountain.

There was a huge line but thankfully by the end of the day they got to ride the ride and at the end throw up all the cotton candy and other candy's they had.

Avenger's One-Shots/ IronDad & SpidersonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora