🥀We Are.....Venom🥀

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Peter walked into class late. When he opened the door all heads turned to him. He mumbled an excuse to the teacher while rubbing his forehead trying to sooth his headache. Everyone could tell something was wrong by the dark circles under Peter's eyes, how he was late, how he just mumbled an excuse not caring, and the fact that he was rubbing his head as if trying to sooth some pain. Even Flash felt bad so he let the kid be. But Peter, his senses would not stop screaming at him as if he were in danger. As if everything where a danger. But the worst part? It wasn't a sensory overload. He didn't know what was wrong. And he knew something was defiantly wrong when the door was blasted off its hinges.

People screamed and ran into the corner except Peter who was stuck staring at the person in the door. Harry. Harry Osborn. He was grinning like a madman at Peter as he started walking over to said boy, gun in hand ready to shoot. Peter paled as he stumbled backwards till he hit the wall.

"H-how!? You- You're supposed to be in the most high tech security prison!" Peter basically yelled.

"Broke out what do you expect. I'm smart Parker you know that by now. Now let's make things easier and hand me what's mine." Harry said finishing with a sneer. Everyone looked at Peter scared whose eyes had closed and face turned expressionless.

(The bold is venom and the italics is Peter as he talks to venom in his head)

What are you going to do?

I can't give him you, your mine, stuck with me till I die, I promised you that right?

Still how will you defeat him without revealing who you are or me?

Let me handle that.

Peter opened his eyes, he didn't realize he even closed them.
"Listen Harry I don't have anything of yours Alright? Now will you piss the fuck off ok? Cause I am having what people would call a 'bad day' with a horrible headache ok? So piss off and go back to whatever little hole you climbed out from." Peter said with confidence and slight anger in his voice. Harry's lips thinned then his face morphed into one of anger. He pulled the trigger but Peter jumped away in time. He kicked Harry's legs out from under him and took the gun, taking the bullets out and completely dismembering it in seconds. By the time Harry got to his feet his gun was just a pile of parts.

"Now I don't want to hurt you Ha-" Harry cut Peter off by running, jumping, and kicking Peter in the stomach which sent him across the room. Right into the window's. It had cracked all around Peter but thankfully didn't completely get destroyed to send him plummeting to his possible death. Peter opened his eyes and looked at Harry annoyed.

"You have got to be kidding me. That is so going to bruise you ass" Peter said pushing himself off the weak glass and punching Harry across the face. When all of a sudden


Peter turned in time to see Harry's hover board flying towards him, and ducked before it could cut him clean in half. He turned around to see Harry on it.

"Just give it to me Peter because if I have to I will kill you for it."

"JUST GIVE HIM WHAT HE WANTS PETER" Peter glanced to the side to see his class looking scared and that Ned was the one that yelled that out.

"Listen to your classmate Peter give me what I want." Harry said with a smirk. He saw the bit of blood trickle down the side of Peter's mouth, thanks to the kick. Peter smirked as he looked at Harry in the eyes.

"Even if I had it, I wouldn't give it to you so leave" Peter stated his voice angry. Harry's face morphed into anger as he flew towards Peter, who didn't have enough time to react as Harry hit him he sent Peter flying out the window. There where Screams heard as the students watched their friend or classmate crash out the window.

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