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The day that Shuri and Peter met in the soul stone was the day the Avengers and other dusted realized they would never have peace and quiet again until they're sleeping though it's not needed. 



Shuri and Peter used memes and vines to hide the pain they felt. They even made their own memes sometimes.

Their favorite one so far was Updog. They used it on almost every passing person they saw. The person would laugh and high five them before they walked away.

No one expected to see portals open up to their homeworld but they couldn't pass this chance up, to go home.

"Holy shit... home," Shuri says in awe. Peter nods.

"Home sweet home... now let's go burn some bitches."


~Later on~

"Finally I have all the infinity stones again. Nothing will stop me from fixing this mess you've created!" Thanos shouts, holding his hand with the gauntlet up in victory. 

"Maybe so, but that's absolutely nothing compared to updog." Shuri yells from the top of the hill she was on. 

"Yeah Shuri's right, the stones are cool and all but updog is the most powerful thing ever," Peter explains as he drops onto a bunch of aliens, his instant kill mode killing them.

"What!?? What is it! Tell me!" Thanos shouts.

T'Challa puts his head not his hands and screams. Clint groans. 

"I'm telling you, if you really want to conquer the world, you need updog!" Shuri shouts as she shoots more aliens.

"What's up dog?" Thanos asks.

Shuri and Peter burst out laughing as the others groan in annoyance.

"Nothing dawg, what's up with you?!" Shuri shouts, distracting Thanos enough for Peter to slip off the gauntlet.

"WH- YOU LITTLE SHIT'S TRICKED ME!" Thanos shouts in anger picking up a huge piece of debris and throwing it at them, though Tony shoots it and it explodes.

"Back at it again with the vines kiddo," Tony says while landing net to him. Peter smiles up at him, before sliding the gauntlet on.

Tony grabs one of Peter's hands and soon a line was formed, multiple people helping him control the power.

"Another one bites the dust." With a snap of his fingers, Thanos and his army turned to dust.

A few feet away Natasha, Vision, and Loki started to form. 

"Looks like we won," Natasha says walking over to the group. Clint lets go and rushed forward, tackle hugging her.

Shuri and Peter look at each other and laugh.

"Who knew vines would save the world," T'Challa says in horror.

"WE DID!" Peter and Shuri shout.

"What's a vine?" Nebula asks.


"Oooh we have soooo much to catch you up on, I'm Shuri, that's Peter," Shuri says while pointing at herself then Peter. They grab her and pull her away explaining.

"God save us." Dr. Strange begs. 


And that's how it should have ended PERIOD

Sorry this took ages to get out my ass hasn't been feeling good and writer's block is a whoreeeeee.

Who's your favorite marvel character? 

Mines Tony and Loki, I love them so much.

Love you my guys, gals and non-binary pals~

Live, Laugh, Lie~

Posted on: 7/25/2020

Word Count: 548

~Raven Hellfire~

~Raven Hellfire~

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