🥀Mission Suicide🥀

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So one thing first, no actual suicide is involved even though I think I might make an actual suicide chapter in the future but anyways I am so sorry for this chapter being late I had major Writers block. I didn't think that was a thing till it actually happened to me so wow. Anyways enjoy and please comment


This is during the attacking of New York but Peter and Ned are high schoolers not kids.

Everyone was buzzing with worry and they were all terrified. No one was allowed to leave the school. Or their homes for that fact.

These Huge 'Chitauri' (I know I probably spelt it wrong sorry) where attacking New York. Everything was normal until the news channel came on showing the Avengers fighting these huge monsters. When a few moments later everyone sees a missile is heading towards NY.

"OMG where going to die-


"Everyone please-



Everyone listened to their teacher even Peter who was freaking out since he saw his dad was heading towards the missile when.

"OMG dad don't you dare" Peter said loudly. Everyone heard him looking at him confused. Peter's phone started ringing. No one knew this but the Avengers Ned and MJ. He was The Tony Stark's Son. Peter Stark was his name not Peter Parker. It's just a cover up so the press could leave him be. Peter quickly opened the call seeing as it was his dad.

"Dad what the hell are you doing you idiot you will fucking die" Peter said calmly. All the students were taken aback at his language but where more taken aback at how calmly he said that with a terrified face on. They all saw Peter's eyes glued to the News channel.

"Hey kid I'm going to need you to look away from the channel ok but I Love You ok this is the only way." Tony said trying to comfort Peter but Peter could hear he was scared.

"You're fucking Iron Man Tony and I swear if you die I will kill you and don't you dare say this is the only way cause HELL WITH THAT!" Peter said exclaiming at the end. He didn't care if people knew who he really was anymore. He was too scared for his dad.

"I love you" Peter said in the phone before ending. All the students still staring at him in shock as he takes out something from his bag. A small watch. He presses it and the Iron-Spider suit formed around his body.

"DUDE don't we haven't check out if it even works. You could be torn in HALF!" Ned exclaimed knowing what that 'watch' really was. Ned and Peter had been working on it for a while where it could change 2 people locations. Like switch Person A to where person B is but Person B would switch to Person A is.

"Dude that's a risk I'm willing to take. I'm not letting my dad die knowing I could've done something" Peter said as he pushed a few buttons on it and looked at Ned. No one knew but behind the mask Peter was scared but smiled.

"See you soon buddy" Peter pressed the button and all of a sudden Peter disappeared and Tony Stark stood there in his suit. He looked around confused then took of his helmet. He saw Ned and gave him a 'where am I look' when he realized the tears in Ned's eyes.

"Ned what's wrong and why the hell am I at the school. Wait WHERES PETER!" Stark said now realizing where he was and the absence of his son.

"Me and- and Peter have been making this-t his thing where it can change 2 peoples locations by- by switching where the two are. Like- Like switch Person A to where person B is but Person B would switch to Person A was." Ned said a few tears going down his face then turning his face to where the missile was and where everyone saw Peter was pushing the missile with his boosters. (Like the iron man boosters at the feet. Imagine that on the spider suit.) Tony looked as a few tears went down his face. He slowly sat next to Ned where Peter presumably was moments ago.

"Why. Why did you make it" Tony said his voice scared as he saw his kid getting closer to the wormhole tears freely falling not caring.

"We were making it for you guys. In case someone was safe and someone was hurt they could switch places you know. But I never thought he would use it like this hell we haven't even tested it. But I guess we know now that it works." Ned said staring at the screen when all of a sudden his phone rang and he immediately opened it.

"DUDE LET GO OF THE MISSILE YOUR TO CLOSE TO THE WORM HOLE YOU'LL DIE!" Ned yelled he quickly put Peter on speaker.

"I can't I have to lead it to the ship but listen n'd tell to'y that I lo've h'm and t'ke ca'e ok" the line went silent as everyone now had tears in their eyes as they watched Peter push the missile into the wormhole and disappearing. Even Flash was crying.

Tony heard on the com's.

"Close it" it came from Steve

Tony shot up right.

"Wait he can maybe make it!" Tony yelled into the combs everyone one staring at him as his mask had come on.

"Tony we can't he isn't going to make it I'll give it 30 seconds but that's all I can do I'm sorry." Steve said. Tony could tell he wanted to cry. Everyone had grown attached to the boy everyone loved him.

Tony just sat on the chair his helmet gone now as he held his head in his hands. Ned rubbed his back when a minute later he heard the Steve say.

"Close it now"

Tony just looked at the worm hole to not see his son come out with a big smile it got smaller and smaller and smaller when it disappeared but he saw something fall before it fully closed. He jumped up.

"PETER!" The suit quickly formed around him as he flew through the school window not paying attention he broke it. He could pay for the damages later. He saw hulk catch him and slide down a building. When he got there, Peter's mask disappeared showing his pale face no longer breathing. Hulk yelled loud but that didn't wake him. Tony quickly sent bolts up his repulsers and tried bring him back when he saw Peter wasn't waking up he gave up and put the kids head in his lap. By now all the Avengers where sitting around Peter when Hulk let out an angry cry/yell when all of a sudden Peter gasps for air and starts coughing.

He laughs then looks at his family with a smile.

"What did I miss while on my Suicide Mission?"



Anyways I think I ended that pretty well. So so sorry I updated this so late but its Thursday so whatever. To be honest I was meant to post today so I made something quick up. Anyways I hope you like it and please leave some suggestions or requests on what you want cause guys I really want to know if you like these or not or if you want me to write something specific. Please do comment and anyways have a great day

Posted on: 8/23/18 9:10 pm

Word Count: 1295

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