🥀Light Sabers

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"Shuri! Wanna go watch a movie?" Peter asks.

Shuri jumps up smiling.

"Let's go!"

"Make sure it's child appropriate!" T'Challa yelled.

"We're teenagers!" They yelled running to the screening room.

Tony chuckles rolling his eyes.

"Don't worry, FRIDAY won't let them watch anything with nudity and if it somehow slips past her, which is highly unlikely, she'll censor it." Tony says.

🔥🖤🥀With the teenagers🥀🖤🔥

"I swear I love Star Wars so much." Shuri says.

"Same. If only we could use actual lightsabers though. That would be awesome." Peter says.

Shuri's eyes light up mischievously.

"Wait here I'll be right back." With that she ran out the room. He shrugged and continues watching.

Shuri comes back 10 minutes later with 2 lightsabers.

"I made these when I was 11!" She hands him one.

Peter was in shock but he quickly got over it, the two of them started play fighting with them.

Tony hears the laughing so he looks up.

"Hey what do you two have there?"

"Lightsabers!" The two yell, while fighting.

"What- NO!" Tony yells out confused, shocked, and worried.

T'Challa sighs annoyed.

"I told you to leave those at home Shuri!" T'Challa yelled, annoyed by his sister.


To be 100% honest with you all. I've never seen a single Star Wars movie before.

I've only ever heard about it and seen memes about it.

Anyways I'm half way to home and I'm so dead tired.

Love you my demons.

Live, Laugh, Lie.

Posted on: 12/31/19

Word Count: 255


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