🥀Talent Show/Holiday's Special🥀

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The classroom B4 Band/Dance challenges you to this year's talent show. Accept or be humiliated decathlon team. The song has to be from the artist Eminem or a band.

"Did they really challenge us to the talent show?" Peter said smugly. Ned and MJ started laughing creepily, Peter joining them, as the rest of the team laughed as well, other students looking at them worriedly.

"Oh their going down!" Ned said. MJ Stood up, went onto the stage the whole school watching her, Peter smirking a Stark smirk, even though no one knew that and Ned smiling.

"LADIES AND BOYS MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION!" MJ yelled into the microphone. Everyone silenced at that.

"It seems that classroom B4 Band/Dance has challenged the decathlon team to this year's talent show. Well let me tell you something B4. WE ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE SO PREPARE TO GO DOWN" MJ said yelling the last part. The audience screamed in cheers. Ever year 1 classroom is allowed to challenge another classroom or team to the talent show. The challenger has to limit the songs and it has to be specific. And every year band/dance wins. But not this year. This year? Their going down. MJ walked back to her team who was leaving, Peter and Ned waiting for her. They gave her a smile as she smiled back at them.

"Let's go losers. We're going to beat those ego infused dummies."


"So I will do the guitar. Ned will do the drums and Peter will sing. Everyone will dance ok? Peter what's up do you have the dance." MJ said as everyone nodded along then looked over to Peter who had a devils smirk.

"Oh ho ho we are so going to win. So listen thanks to Flash's suggestion of 'Kings Never Die' and Cindy's suggestion of 'Heathens' we are going to choreograph both song's ok?" Peter explained. Everyone nodded. Peter played the songs and showing them the dance.

The next few days the team memorizes the dance routine to the point where they could do it with their eyes closed. So that's what they did. They locked themselves in the auditorium and learned how to do the dance with their eyes closed on stage. And even if they didn't win, they still had a lot of fun and had a lot of funny videos of them toppling over each other sometimes. And in the end. They got it.

2 weeks later. The Show.

The team was nervous. They had practiced a few more times before putting on these huge black trench coats that covered their outfits. Everyone was matching. They sat in the front as the rest of the grade filled in alongside class B4's family and the decathlons families. They were to over taken by nerves to realize that Tony Stark, Pepper Stark, Colonel Rhodes, and Happy Hogan walked in and sat. A few rows where left for when the other team finished. Right now B4 was getting ready behind the curtains when Principal Morita came, with a smile on his face. He clapped his hands easily silencing everyone. He picked up a microphone and started talking.

"Welcome to the 2018-2019 Midtown High Talent Show everybody!!!! Last year classroom B4 had won the show for the 5th year in a row. Will this year be their 6th year or is the decathlon team ruin their streak and rise on top? We'll have to see but everyone lets welcome Classroom B4 Band/Dance!" Morita said as he walked off the stage and the curtains withdrew to show 15 kids in Black sweatpants, White shirts, Adidas shoes, and hats.

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