🥀Kidnapped Part 2🥀

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Requested by @Klooles

Thanks for the request.


Peter laughed as the knife was plunged into his side. The man growled. Wait I bet you're confused. Well let me summarize it, some jackasses kidnapped Peter and his class for ransom. Right now? Peter is being tortured because he doesn't want his class to get hurt. His class though, was across the room watching the man torture Peter who would just laugh. The man frustrated left into the next room. After a few minutes Peter groaned.

"Asshole's that actually hurts a shit ton. God I hope Tony and the rest are on their way. I don't know how long I can take this." Peter groaned. He heard sobbing and looked up to see his classmates crying. To be honest, Peter knew he looked bad. For the past 2 hours the men have constantly beat Peter stabbed him and shot him. They've only shot him in the legs/thighs but it still hurt none the less. He had blood running down half his face, over his left eye. Whenever he opened it Blood threatened to go in his eye. He had a few broken ribs and soon to be a punctured lung. His leg was broken, that was for sure. Through it all Peter would not scream once. He would laugh through it all.

"Hey don't worry, we'll get out of here soon I promise." Peter said with a soft tone even though his hope was slipping. He looked around the room again, having analyzed it immediately the second he woke up, he looked again. The room was huge, had to be a warehouse if their where more rooms. There were 8 windows 2 on each wall, but none huge, small ones, only enough to provide light. There was 2 doors on the right and 1 on the left. The men always leave and come in from the right. Peter doesn't know what the left one is though. He tugged at his restrains and realized how easy they were to snap now. He couldn't just snap out of them immediately cause that would have been suspicious.

"Peter?" Peter looked at his class mates and nodded.

"What's up?"

"Why are you letting them hurt you? Why do you laugh?" It was Abraham. Peter sighed and looked down before looking back up and answering,

"If me taking the beatings means you guys don't get hurt I'm ok with that. This isn't my first kidnapping and I highly don't believe it will be my last, but I've learned is that they want to hear you scream, know your feeling pain. So I laugh. Take's my mind off of the actual situations. Just don't worry ok? We'll get out of here soon. I promise." The room was basked in silence once more, except the initial sniffle or sob. A few minutes paced when the men came back in but with a table that had a few things on it.

"Now since Stark doesn't seem to be coming how about we send him a little video of us marking you HM? How would you like that Pedro? To have the Arc Reactor burned into your skin?" Kids gasped as Peter Spat at the man, his saliva mixed with blood.

"Give it your worst shot." Peter said glaring at them. They pulled of the blanket to show a metal that was in deed shaped as the arc reactor. The metal was bright red, showing it was just pulled out of a fire. The men picked it up with something as another man ripped of Peter shirt, to show other scars. They were from being shot and stabbed and more. His class gasped as the man smirked. The one who ripped of Peter's shirt picked up a camera and started recording.

"Looks like this will just be another scar to add huh? Let's make it as painful as we can." He started pushing the metal on Peter's chest, in the middle of both pecks. The students screamed for the men to stop as the only thing Peter could hear and smell is his burning flesh. He bit his tongue causing it to bleed trying so hard not to scream. The man weren't happy about this so he pushed harder, shocking Peter causing him to scream. The men were happy and pushed more and more, laughing. Peter got his screams under control and started laughing instead. This caused the men to stumble back shocked, the one with the metal dropping it to the ground. The one with the camera shook in fear. Peter looked at the men despite the burning pain in his chest.

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