🥀I love you...🥀

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'Hello you've reached the voicemail box of Tony Stark please leave a message'

"Uh- h-hey Mister Stark it's me Peter, Peter Parker. I know we got into a fight earlier but I'm really sorry. I've never had a constant parental figure in my life. Every parental figure I've had has either ended up dead, or hurt so bad that they can no longer move."

"So that's why I was mad, and I know it doesn't give me the option to take that anger out on you with my words but I just- I'm sorry dad, I'm so sorry..."

"Your like a dad to me and-and Morgan's like a little sister and Harley and Nebula are like my older annoying siblings; and Pepper god she acts like such a mom towards me. I love you guys so much and I'm so sorry I was such an asshole earlier Mr. Stark. Your amazing you know that? The man who privatized world peace, a living legend."

"Good luck with your meeting dad.... I love you 3000."

With that Peters ends the call, letting the phone drop from his hand. He presses his hand on his chest, putting pressure on the stab wound.

A sob ripped from his throat, due to the pain. He put more pressure on his chest trying his best to stay awake. He'd asked Karen to send out a signal to any heroes, or vigilantes near by, and see if they could drop by to help him.

He looked up at the night sky, he'd ripped off his mask earlier so he could breath better.

What happened was he went out patrolling after he and Tony had their big fight. He'd heard a scream about 3 hours into his patrol, and went to check it out.

A creepy old man had a knife pressed up against a girls throat, about to touch her places no one should. Spider-Man jumped in and got the girl to safety. He then went after the man, only for his spider sense to react a tad bit to late, and he got stabbed in the chest.

The man ran, pulling the knife out, but got caught by the police thankfully. When he saw the bad guy was caught, Spidey swung as far as he could but eventually collapsed on a building.

Now he's propped up against the buildings AC system, mask off staring at the moon. He had gone numb about 3 minutes ago and his vision started going blurry.

He knew he was going to die, no matter what. And he was scared, god he was so so scared to die.

He thought of the few memories, of his parents that he had. Dead, both died in a plane crash.

Memories of Ben. Dead, shot and it was Peters fault.

Memories of May. Paralyzed. From the neck down. He wasn't fast enough and her car collided with another. She was permanently paralyzed, and her plug was going to be pulled in a few days.

Then he thought of his living family.

Pepper, god bless that woman. She acts like a mother to him. Not even May could but Pepper, she took that mantle as if it weighed nothing. She took care of him and he loved her for it.

Nebula his robot sister from space. How he loved her. Peter and Tony had helped fix her, removed all the terrible scarps and made her better. She quickly took the mantle as the older sister and she loved it.

Harley, his older potato gun brother. He and Harley geeked out about science and loved making robots. Making new inventions, sometimes when they where too deep into their work, not even Pepper could get them out of the lab.

Morgan, sweet sweet Morgan his amazing sister. How he loved her, and how she loved him. When Peter had found out he had a little sister after 5 years of being dusted, he had cried and cried. He had sworn to protect her, no matter the price.

Happy and Rhodey. His amazing Uncles who were there for him always. Despite how they act annoyed by him, they secretly loved the spider baby.

Mr Stark- Tony, his dad. God how he loves the man. He hates himself so much for what he said to him earlier. He loves his dad, with all his heart. But he was scared, so so scared that he'd lose Tony, his family. So he tried distancing himself from them and he did, but now he's alone and scared. And he doesn't want to be, he wants to be with his family- not scared, alone, and bleeding to death.

Tears freely slipped from his eyes as he stared at the moon, blood dripping from his mouth.

His arm went limp, his eyes lost their color, his heart stopped.

He was dead. Peter Parker aka Spider-Man was dead. Just like that.

Iron Man landed minutes later and rushed towards Spider-Man, pulling him close to his chest. Tony heard other heroes make it as well, only to hear them gasp in shock. Vigilantes and heroes within a 50 mile radius had gotten the distress call.

They watched as the father begged for his son to come back.

They watched the Tony Stark, the man that lost his faith a long time ago, beg god for his son back. He cried pulling him closer to his chest.

"I'm so sorry kid, I'm so sorry I failed you, god please, please, bring him back, I beg of you please, he's still so young." Tony begged crying. 

He lost his son, his son, was gone. 

The heroes kneeled on one knee in respect. Some where crying even. They all knew Spider-Man, or Peter Parker, hell both egos sometimes. And it was either because they bumped into each other, or patrol, or a mission, they had all met the kid and swore to protect him. And they failed. They all failed.

How could over 25 heroes, fail, at protecting one child. God knows.

🖤🥀🔥Long time later🔥🥀🖤

"Peter Parker, was my intern, but to me, he was like a son to me. And he was also Spiderman." Tony spoke, holding his tears back.

"He was a hero, and he died, cold, scared, and alone. But he died as a hero. He watched the night sky as he died, and something I know about Peter. Is that he loves astronomy."

"Every time I will look up at the night sky, I'll think about him- I'll think about you Peter. I love you kid. We love you 3000." With that Tony walked away, into his wife's awaiting arms. 

He was surrounded by his family. Yeah he's lost a lot of family, but he built a new one. It's a shame Peter had to go at such a young age. What a shame.

I love you...


How you all doing my demons?

I know it sucks, I wrote it at 12:13 am, I'm tired af.

Now I have to write a chapter for my MHA book. Yay...

Posted on: 11/15/19

Word Count: 1170


Avenger's One-Shots/ IronDad & SpidersonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang