🥀Dad jokes and Angry Peter🥀

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AshwanthGoPal HuntressOfApollo here is a bit more of angry Peter.


"Hey Tony, we've been working for a while now and I'm hungry. Can we get something to eat?" Peter asked, turning in his wheels chair to face Tony who was under a car, fixing it up.

"Hi hungry I'm dad." Tony said without hesitation. The 2 stopped completely as thoughts ran through his head.

Omg omg omg omg why would you say that! God you probably just fucked up ev-

"Hi dad, I'm still hungry." Peter said. Tony pushes himself out from under and got up.

"I'll go get the pizza I order a bit ago." Tony said walking out fast.

Peter watched trying to contain his laughter before he burst out laughing.

"God he is such a dad. Friday? Can you please save that to my personal files and to 'Tony's such a dad' please." Peter asked between laughs. He finally took a shaky breath before he stopped laughing

Already done Mini Boss. Anything else?

"Send that to Pepper, Rhodes and Happy and tell them not to say anything please." Peter said as he got back to the Iron Patriot mark 16 blue prints. Everyone called it the war machine but Peter has manners and is respectful so he calls it by it's actual name.


"And here is my lab kiddies." Tony said. Peter's head snapped up when he heard Tony's voice. He had the 5 pizza boxes in his hand and in the elevator with him stood a tour guide and was that..... oh god. His decathlon team!

"Hey Peter! Come and get these pizza's will you? And put anything confidential away, your team won a tour here at the tower and decided to let them see my lab!" Tony said with a smirk. Peter threw him a glare before putting away all confidential things and taking the pizza's. He put them on the desk next to his and started back to his work.

"Remember don't touch anything just look. And no pictures. Got that?" Tony stated. They all nodded to awe struck to say anything. Ned and MJ walked over to Peter and sat next to him. Ned started rambling as Peter worked and MJ read. Once she finished the chapter she looked around, slightly impressed. She got over it quickly and sat back down. Ned after started looking around awe struck.

"How was the tour?" Peter asked.

"It was ok."

"Just ok?" Tony asked. Everyone was watching what was happening.

"Just ok. You went overboard in the entry but I must say, you should check on Director Mani. He was being a racist, sexist pig." MJ finished. Peter slammed his things onto the desk startling everyone, and walked up and towards the elevator.

"That was his last fucking chance, that son of a bitch is out of here. Jamie would be so much better but noooo just give him a second chance. Son of a bitch had it coming a mile away." Peter muttered as he entered the elevator.

"Friday floor 68 please."

Of course Mini boss.

The doors closed. Everyone stood in silence till Tony let out a laugh. They looked at him confused. He wiped an imaginary tear away.

"Baby girl please pull up the footage. I want to see how this ends. Come on huddle up, your going to die when you watch this." Tony said. Everyone sat on the floor near Tony as he pulled up the live footage and made it huge so everyone could see.

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