🥀I Will Kill Everyone In This Room🥀

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Tony looked down at his phone as it dinged and smiled. It was Peter.

Peter: Hey mister stark! I'll be there soon I'm so sorry I'm late, me and Ned and MJ we're doing homework and building a Lego Star Destroyer. And after did some Hamilton singing and we lost track of time. I'm at least 2 minutes away. I can see the compound. Again sorry.

Tony: It's alright kiddo. We can wait. And it happens, just don't let it happen again.

Tony was of course joking, and he knew Peter took it as a joke too.

Peter: Alright old man, see you soon.

Tony: I'm not that old! And cut it with the Mr. Stark crap already kid!

Peter: lol whatever man. 😝

Tony chuckle. The others give him a weird look.

"Stark why haven't we started this meeting yet?" Clint asked.

"Because we're waiting for my intern." He replied.

"Since when do you do interns?" Sam asked. A look of disgust passed over all their faces

"Not like that idiots." Sam corrected. They chuckled as the tension in the room lightened.

"Nah the kids an angel. He's probably going to inherit Stark Industries when me and Pepper decide to retire. And honestly? If anything where to happen to him I'd kill everyone in this room then myself." Tony stated smiling.

"To be honest, same. That kid has manners, is a gentleman, and is so kind, so freaking innocent and a straight up angel. I'd probably help you kill everyone." Rhodes agreed.

Everyone scooted a bit over away from the 2 and the empty seat in between the 2.

Just then a boy with curly brown hair, with bright brown eyes rushes in.

"Sorry I'm late, me and my best friends we're doing homework and building a Lego Star Destroyer. After did some Hamilton singing and we lost track of time? Again really sorry." He said smiling at them and sitting himself between the 2.

Tony ruffles the kid's hair as Rhodes pat the kid on the back.

"It's alright kiddo." Tony said.

"Oh! By the way my name's Peter! It's nice to meet you guys and I'm glad that you guys are being pardoned cause the world needs it's hero's back together again. And just in general" Peter said smiling brightly.

🖤🥀Time Skip to after the meeting🖤🥀

"Alright then, we have to get going, glad that this all worked out well. Come on Pete, I want to show you Platypus's new suit idea. You to honey-bear let's go." Tony said smiling a real genuine smile.

Something none of the, now pardoned Rogues, never truly saw before.

"Ok! I also wanted to show you some updates I was thinking we could make on the tower." Peter said. The 3 walked as Peter rambled. After they left, everyone in the room which consisted of:

Steve, Natasha, Clint, Bucky, Sam, T'Challa, Shuri, Fury, Hill, Coulson, Wanda, Pietro, Vision, Scott, And Hope all said one thing at the same time.

"Can you believe we unanimously agree with Tony Stark?"

T'Challa and Shuri new about Peter but never met him before. Same with Fury, Coulson, and Hills.

What a rollercoaster it would be when they find out about Spider-Man.


Is this a surprise chapter? Yes. Am I tired, Yes. Do I want sleep? HELL YES. Do I seem to be falling asleep? NO.

Why? Because I'm a writer and we are insomniacs who's minds never stop writing stories no matter how much we wish to sleep.

As a writer, in our minds these stories aren't just words, their full blown out movies in our minds that play. And it's the reason where we are insomniacs.

Anyways if I can I will upload 1 chapter a day for another 6 days. Because 1 as a thank you for 88k views 128 followers and more. Thank you all for the support and love you guys. And I'm so sorry for what's about to happen on Friday's chapter.

Love you my Demons!

And remember,

It's okay to not always be ok.

Posted on: 5/4/19

Word count: 684


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