The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 10

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"It's okay," Derek smiled. "I'm just glade you told me. I'm guessing that's why you didn't want to date me sophomore year?"

"Yeah, I wasn't over him,"

"Are you now?"

¬¬I looked at him and smiled. "100%. I love you,"

"Good," Derek kissed me quickly. "Paint with me?"

"Sure," I smiled and grabbed a paint brush.

I finally told Derek about Finn and I. it felt good to clear the air.


"Hey, want to help me go shopping for the ski trip?" I asked Derek.

"No," he said. "But, since I love you, I will,"

"Aw, you get a kiss for that," I said kissing him.

He grinned. "You're also sexy, amazing, beautiful, smart, talented, crazy, loving, wonderful..." I kissed Derek in between each word he said.

He kissed me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

He took my hand in his and interlocked our fingers.

I smiled and pressed my lips to his harder.

He pulled away and started to waltz with me.

I laughed as he spun me around. "There's no music weirdo,"

"I can show you the world. Shining, shimmering, splendid, tell me, princess, now when did you last let your heart decide?" Derek sang.

Aladdin is his favorite Disney movie.

We continued to dance as he sang to me.

Once he was done I kissed him again, then he led me out to the car.

(Finn's Point Of View)

In just two days I will be alone with Alex for a week.

Just the thought of being with her makes me smiled

I was all packed and ready to go.

The day before I went to go pay Alex a little visit.

I tried opening the door and failed.

It was locked.

I rang the door bell and waited for someone to answer it.

"Who is it?" I heard Alex called.

"Your lover!" I called back.

"Go away,"

"Come on, open up,"

The front door opened and Derek greeted me, in only pants.


I walked inside and saw Alex in her rob.

"What do you want?" she asked between her teeth.

"What time should I pick you up tomorrow?"

"Never o'clock. Derek's taking me,"

"But he has work, it's better if we went together,"

Alex rolled her beautiful eyes. "I think you should leave,"

"Alex, he does make a good point and I have work,"

She gave Derek a look and he just shrugged.

"Seven sound good?"

"Sounds peachy," she muttered.

I grinned. "see you then,".

I left the house grinning.

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