Chapter Thirty-Six

Start from the beginning

"BREAKFAST, MAGGOT!" You covered your ears as you heard Soldier shout through your door. It left a ringing sound that had your head pounding, each thump brought a wave of pain to wash over your brain. Today was certainly not your day. You reluctantly got up and made your way into your bathroom. A dull ache settled over your chest. It was close to making you nauseous, but not enough to vomit, thankfully.

Out of fear of what the others would think of your rat's nest, you combed through your hair and winced every time it ran into a particularly stubborn tangle. Your arms felt weak as you continued on. Your whole body was noticeably weaker.

You tried splashing water on your face for the second time that morning only to see that it highlighted the bags under your eyes and your pale skin. You walked to your door with the floor slightly creaking under you. Shaking yourself like a wet dog in an attempt to wake yourself up, you opened the door to join the others.

You forced your legs to move like you were actually walking. Thankfully, you didn't look too out of place with the other tired members of your team. The table was already set up with pancakes and bacon, but you weren't feeling hungry right now.

Without saying hello or good morning, you sat down and looked at your plate. Some cheerful conversation started between Scout and Spy. Well, Scout was excited and Spy looked like he wanted to shout the Bostonian up. Seeing the "bored out of his mind" look on Spy made you half-smile, but it quickly vanished as others sat down as well. You slid a pancake and a couple of slices of bacon onto your plate, but didn't consider really eating them. You knew you should so it could help with your strength, but the thought of chewing anything made you want to gag.

You felt some glances at you every now and again, but you paid them no mind. If they actually wanted to speak to you, they would. Right now, you were perfectly content with being ignored. Unfortunately, the Engineer had other plans.

"So," he clapped a hand on your shoulder as he sat down. "Did'ya finish your math work?"

"Yep," you croaked, the sound of your defeated voice almost scaring you. It surprised Engie, because his brows furrowed. Why didn't I think to warm up my voice so I don't sound this bad?

"Darlin' you look sickly. How late did you stay up last night? Do I need 'ta get Doc?" He asked, his southern drawl laced with concern. In response to the thought of help, your head pounded some more like a bass drum.

"Uhm, no. I'll be alright. I'm just tired, Engie." Engie seemed to be taken aback at your using his name. Usually, you didn't do that. There's a lot of new things goin' on today.

"I still think he should have a look at you. You can't be feelin' too good."

"Alright, you know best. I will after breakfast." You just wanted him to get off of your back. It feels wrong to admit that, but it was true. Despite how much he wanted you to feel better, right now you couldn't care less about it.

Seemingly content, he smiled and started talking to Pyro. There was no way you could figure out what they were saying. You turned your attention to your pancakes. You cut a piece off of the fluffy bread-thing and brought it up to your mouth only to put it down in disgust. Food just seemed unnatural right now and made you cringe. You did drink from your glass, however. The water seemed to cool your throat as you drank it.

People finished eating quicker than you anticipated. They stood up and put away their dishes, leaving you sitting in your seat with your uneaten, depressed pancakes. It was when you felt someone walk up behind you that you bothered to get up. It was Medic, and he looked stern as ever. What joy, oh what fun this day shall be. He watched you sigh and place your food in the garbage and the plate in the dishwasher. When you came back to look up at him, he spoke.

"Vhy didn't jou eat?" He asked, his expression only showing mild concern as his hands were brought behind his back. Everything about you just irritates me sometimes. "Do you feel ill?" You decided to be honest. There was no way you could get through today with this headache.

"I do, actually, uhm, I didn't sleep well and I have a pretty bad headache," you answered, glancing around and shifting before looking up at him. He seemed mildly surprised to find you actually answering him today.

"Vell, just follow me to zhe MedBay and ve can get you zhe medicine jou need." He turned and waved a hand for you to follow him. You didn't feel like saying anything else, so you tried your best to match his pace.

When you both entered the MedBay doors, Archimedes wasted no time in landing on your left shoulder. The room was still fairly clean from when you and Sniper scrubbed it down, and you smiled at the memory. Medic turned his head back to look at you two and simply looked away without a comment. He motioned for you to stop and you lifted a weak arm to stroke the dove's head. It lovingly pressed itself against you and cooed. Aw, cute.

Medic brought back some pills for your headache and a small cup of water. You thanked him, gently grabbing the medicine and water from him. He simply watched you take the medicine, which you could have deemed as a little weird, but to be honest what else would he do? There'd be no use making a huge fuss over it.

That seems to be what you do a lot huh? When you were finished, he took the empty cup from you and tossed it in the trash. Archimedes cooed and flew off. It was quiet for a bit, but it wasn't exactly uncomfortable. Besides, Medic looked like he was thinking about something important, and you didn't want to disturb him.

Then, Medic turned to speak to you.

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